Planning for Healthier Cities

A growing body of evidence shows that green infrastructure—the tree canopies, parks and neighborhood gardens dotting our urban la

FAULT: Residential Forms or Thinking Race and Homeownership as a Humanist

Residential Forms or Thinking Race and Homeownership as a Humanist

We the People: Reframing Social + Spatial Justice in 2020-21

On behalf of the Urban and Regional Planning and Design (URPD) Doctoral Student Committee at the University of Maryland, School of Archit

The Architect’s Architect: MAPP Remembers Professor Emeritus Frank Schlesinger

Upcoming Special Event

Remembering Professor Emeritus B. Frank Schlesinger, FAIA

Maryland Housing Needs Assessment

Please join Professor Casey Dawkins's Housing Policy Cour

OUTSIDE EVENT: "Future of Chocolate City"

Associate Professor Willow Lung-Amam will join a panel of experts March 23, 2021 to discuss the changing face of Washington, D.C.

“Infrastructure is a continuation of social circumstance.”

Infrastructure is a continuation of social circumstance.

Robert Stanton to Deliver MAPP Spring 2021 Commencement Address

Former Director of the National Park Service Robert G.

Tools to Preserve Independent Retailers: UMD Project Recognized by the American Planning Association 2021 Student Project Awards

For a second year running, a University of Maryland urban planning project has been honored by the American Planning Associ