Publications / In the News

Below are recent publications from the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation's faculty, alumni and students.

MAPP IN THE NEWS            SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS            (New) Faculty Publications


Finio, N. (2025). Gentrification and Business Closures in Maryland’s Purple Line Corridor. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 45(1), 81-94. 

Howell, K. (2025). Housing and Community. In K. B. Anacker, A. T. Carswell, & S. D. Kirby (Eds.), Introduction to Housing, ch.10. Routledge.

June-Friesen, K., Lung-Amam, W., Meyer, L. (2025). "DC has been a leader in residential tenant protections. Here’s how it could better protect small business tenants." Greater Greater Washington. 

Pap, G., Rogers, G., Jourdan, D., Mowrer, J. (2025). "Pathways to Adaptation – The Rationality of “Think Global, Act Local”: A Case Study of Székely–Hungarian Community of Romania." Modern Geografia, 20(4), 39065. DOI: 10.15170/MG.2025.20.04.03.



Alves, P., Amanguah, E., McNally, D., Espinoza, M., Ghaedi, H., Reilly, A., Hendricks, M. (2024). "Navigating the definition of urban flooding: a conceptual and systematic review of the literature." Water Science & Technology. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2024.351.

Alvarez, N., Andrews, B., Lung-Amam, W., & June-Friesen, K. (2024). Small Business Anti-Displacement Toolkit. Small Business Anti-Displacement Network. 

Bierbaum, A. (2024). "Rebuilding Together: How One Baltimore Program Advanced Both Education and Community Development." Shelterforce

Bennett, R. (2024). The BEPS are Coming. Affordable Housing Conference of Montgomery County Maryland Journal (Winter/Spring 2024), 26-28.

Gharipour, M., Masoud, E., Esmaeilzadeh Vafaei, J., & Jahani Sadatmahalle, F. (2024). “The Impact of Social Development on the Architecture of early Medical Infrastructure in Gilan, Iran in the 20th Century,” International Journal of Architectural Research, December 2024.

Gharipour M., Hosseini, S., & Sobti, M. (2024). “Beyond Vision: Sensory Experience in Shah Tahmasb’s Sixteenth-Century Garden in Qazvin,” Designed Landscapes and Gardens, December 2024, 1–16.

Finio, N. (2024). "Suburban Gentrification: Change, Stasis and TOD along the Purple Line." Journal of Planning Education and Research. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X241298945

Hanley, C., Howell, K., & Teresa, B. (2024). "Power in the Court: Legal Argumentation and the Hierarchy of Credibility in Eviction Hearing." Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 10, 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/23780231241266510

Harvey, C. (2024). "Sensing walkability? Opportunities and limitations of electrodermal activity as an indicator of walkable urban environments." Planning Practice & Research. DOI: 10.1080/02697459.2024.2315398

Harvey, C., Rodríguez, D., Fang, K. (2024). "Comparing methods and data sources for classifying bicycle level of traffic stress: How well do their outcomes agree?" Sustainable Cities and Society, 101. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2023.105151

Hendricks, M., Qianyao, Si., Pavao-Zuckerman, M., et al. (2024). "A Smart, Connected, and Sustainable Campus Community: Using the Internet of Things (IoT) and low-cost sensors to improve stormwater management at UMD/Greater College Park." 

Irazábal, C. (2024). "Latin American Perspectives on the Urban Century: Planning Challenges and Opportunities." Latin American Perspectives. DOI: 10.1177/0094582X241257500

Iseki, H. (2024). "Challenges in implementing climate change policy within local climate action, transportation and land use planning in Japan." Town Planning Review. DOI: 10.3828/tpr.2023.35

Jones, A., Alves, P., Drakeford, B., Hendricks, M. (2024). "Slow violence to disasters: Exploring racialized topographies and contextualizing social vulnerability to flood and other environmental risks." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 105. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104409.

Jourdan, D. (2024). "Social (in)equality, community well-being and quality of life, by Patsy Kraeger, M. Rezaul Islam, and Rhonda Phillips." Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Levy, J., Hirt, S., Dawkins, C. (2024). "Contemporary Urban Planning" (12th edition). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003291145. 

Lung-Amam, W. (2024). "The Right to Suburbia: Combating Gentrification on the Urban Edge" (First Edition). University of California Press.

Metawala, P., Golda-Pongratz, K. & Irazábal, C. (2024). "All in a Day’s Work: Impacts of On-Demand Platform Delivery Work on Immigrant Riders in Barcelona." Geographies of the Platform Economy. Economic Geography. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-53594-9_11

Podemski, M. (2024). "A Paradise of Small Houses." Penguin Random House. DOI: 9780807007785

Si, Q., Brito, H.C., Alves, P.B.R. et al. (2024). "GIS-based spatial approaches to refining urban catchment delineation that integrate stormwater network infrastructure". Discover Water 4, 24.

Smirnova, M., Ayala, J., & Irazabal, C. (2024). “What Do We Want? Housing! When Do We Want It? Now!” Building a Social Movement in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Black Lives Matter, and Housing Injustice." Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 10. 

Teresa, B. F., Howell, K. L., Suen, I. S., Robinson, A., & Sabo, R. (2024). "Moving From Crisis to Stability? The Success and Limits of an Eviction Prevention Program." Housing Policy Debate, 1–18.

Ye, X., Zhao, G., Peng, Q., Dawkins, C., Kim, J., & Wu, L. Global Trends in Housing Research over the Past three Decades. Comput.Urban Sci. 4, 17 (2024). 



Aidoo, F., Magalong, M., Roberts, A. (2023). "The Joys of Just Preservation." Architect Magazine.

Bierbaum, A. (2023). "Stories of School Travel: Using a Mobility Justice Framework for Desegregation Research and Policy.American Institutes for Research.

Bierbaum, A., Bierbaum, M. (2023). "Marking Change at the Jersey Shore: Lessons from Asbury Park, New Jersey." Informationen zur Raumentwicklung (IzR). 

Burke, J. (2023). "Race and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Mexico City: Architecture and Urbanism at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe." Arts 2023, 12(6), 250. DOI: 10.3390/arts12060250

Cyrus, C., Finio, N., Hopkins, L., Knaap, G. (2023). "PaRIT: A Planning Support System to Cope with a Network of Plans and Regulations." Journal of Planning Education and Research.. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X23119

Dawkins, C. (2023). "Bringing Institutions Into the Opportunity Hoarding Debate." Housing Policy Debate, 33(4), 793-796DOI: 10.1080/10511482.2023.2173981

Dawkins, C. (2023). "Who Benefits From Homeowner Tax Preferences?" Housing Policy Debate. DOI: 10.1080/10511482.2022.2157218

DeBray, E., Tegeler, P., Bierbaum, A., & Greenlee, A. (2023). "The Role of the Federal Government in Promoting Cross-Sector Regional Collaboration." Poverty & Race Journal. 

DeClercq, C., Gharipour, M., Mohagheghi, S., Bui, A., Hemme, N., Johnson, E. (2023). "A Novel Approach to Locating Community Clinics to Promote Health Care Accessibility and Reduce Health Disparities in Baltimore, Maryland". INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing. 10.1177/00469580221135953

Donahue, A., Simon, M., Brown, M. (2023). "Visual Mixed Messaging: The Role of Signage in Public and Private Governance of New York City Interior Privately Owned Public Spaces". Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, 7 (1). DOI: 10.15763/issn.2470-9670.2023.v7.i1.a135

Fellows, A. (2023). "Five Ways to Reimagine Smart Growth." The Local, 54(2), 15-16.  

Finio, N., Fang, L., Prendergast, C., Knaap, K. (2023). "Data on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)-Owned Businesses: What's Out There and What Can Be Done?" Economic Development Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/08912424231203661.

Finio, N. (2023). "Gentrification and Business Closures in Maryland’s Purple Line Corridor." Journal of Planning Education and Research. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X231187119

Fisher, K. (2023). "Greater Baybrook Green Network Plan: A Community Vision Plan for Increasing Connectivity and Enhancing Green Assets." The Local, 54(2), 23-24.

Gharipour, M., Tchikine, A. (2023). "Salutogenic Urbanism: Architecture and Public Health in Early Modern European CitiesPalgrave Macmillan.

Hatch, M., Raymond, E., Teresa, B., Howell, K. (2023). "A data feminist approach to urban data practice: Tenant power through eviction data." Journal of Urban Affairs. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2023.2262629

Howell, K. (2023). "Transit Diary: A planning professor crisscrosses state lines on trails & rails." Greater Greater Washington. 

Hu, M., Zhang, K., Nguyen, Q. & Tasdizen, T. (2023). "The effects of passive design on indoor thermal comfort and energy savings for residential buildings in hot climates: A systematic review." Urban Climate, 43. DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2023.101466

Irazábal, C., Ayala, J. (2023). "Urban Planning and Heterodox Economics in the United States: Progressive Partners to Reduce Inequalities." Transitioning to Reducing Inequalities

Irazábal, C., McManus, S. (2023). “Migration and Integration of Middle-Class Venezuelans in Costa Rica: Drivers, Capitals, and Livelihoods.” Wellbeing, Space & Society, 5(100151), 1-13. 

Jourdan, D., Lee, C., Newman, G., VanZandt, S., Ye, X. (2023). "Contemplating Reparations of Indigenous Peoples." Journal of Planning Education and Research. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X23118045

Jourdan, D., Ye, X., Newman, G., Lee, C. & Van Zandt, S. (2023). "Toward Urban Artificial Intelligence for Developing Justice-Oriented Smart Cities." Journal of Planning Education and Research, 43(1), 6-7. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X231154002

Peng, Q., Knaap, G., Finio, N. (2023). "Do Multifamily unit Rents Increase in Response to Light Rail in the Pre-service Period?". International Regional Science Review. DOI: 10.1177/01600176231162563

Peng, Q., Knaap, G. (2023). "When and Where Do Home Values Increase in Response to Planned Light Rail Construction?" Journal of Planning Education and Research. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X22113302

Reemberto, R., Lung-Amam, W., Knaap, G., Johnson, D. (2023). "Keeping Small Businesses in Place: Voices From the Field Case Studies of Communities Combating  Commercial Gentrification". Small Business Anti-Displacement Network. 

Lung-Amam, W. (2023). "The Not-So-New South Suburbs: Asian Immigration and the Politics of School Integration in Chapel Hill, North Carolina". Journal of the Social Sciences, 9 (2) 55-74. DOI: 10.7758/RSF.2023.9.2.03

Saeed, B., & Iseki, H. (2023). "Does rail transit access affect firm dynamics? Analysis of firm births and closures in Maryland, USA". Journal of Transport and Land Use, 16(1), 389–408. DOI: 10.5198/jtlu.2023.2343

Stewart, G. (2023). "Designing Adventures: College and Apprentice Years." Blurb.

Wendland, A. (2023). "Baltimore’s Harborplace deserved an open international design competition | GUEST COMMENTARY." The Baltimore Sun. 

Wilkkeling-Scott, L., Gharipour, M., Mohagheghi, S. (2023). "The effects of COVID-19 on African American communities in Baltimore's health enterprise zones: a mixed-methods examination." BMC Public Health, 23(1) . DOI: 10.1186/s12889-023-16782-6

Williams, J. (2023). "Ideal and Practical Geometry in Romanesque Construction: The Renovated Baptistery of Ascoli Piceno". Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2023) 82 (4): 374–394. DOI: 10.1525/jsah.2023.82.4.374

Williams, J., Howe, T., Ramos, A., Maslen, G. (2023). "The Role of the Field Architect in the Digital Age: Integrating Human and Electronic Recording at the Villa Arianna in Roman Stabiae". Journal of Field Archaeology, 48:8, 572-587. DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2023.2264613



Bierbaum, A., Butler, A., O'Keefe, E. (2022). "School-centered community development: Lessons from Baltimore’s 21st century school buildings program". Journal of Community Development. DOI: 10.1080/15575330.2022.2123015.

Bierbaum, A., Butler A., O’Keefe E (2022). "Leveraging Community Schools for Community Development: Lessons from Baltimore’s 21st Century School Buildings Program". Urban Education. DOI: 10.1177/00420859221107615

Dawkins, C, (2022). "Land Use Regulations, Housing Supply, and County Eviction Filings".  Journal of Planning Education and Research. DOI10.1177/0739456X221118104

Dawkins, C, (2022). "Placing U.S. Federal Housing Policy on a Secure Foundation: The SHELTER Plan". Journal of the American Planning Association, 88 (3). DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2022.2078735

Dawkins, C, (2022). "The Enigma of Housing Choice"Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy, 29 (1), 200-201.

Dawkins, C. (2022). "The geography of US homeownership tax expenditures." Journal of Housing Economics, 59, (A)DOI: 10.1016/j.jhe.2022.101888

Eom, H., Dawkins, C. (2022). "Decomposing changes in the geography of metropolitan inequality"Journal of Urban Affairs. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2022.2105707

Etlin, R. (2022). "The Cambridge Guide to the Architecture of Christianity." Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781108471510.

Ezban, M. (2022). “Attune and Entangle: Designing Multispecies Relations for the Sixth Extinction.” Designing Landscape Architectural Education: Studio Ecologies for Unpredictable Futures. ISBN 9780367703653. DOI: 10.4324/9781003145905-37.

Gharipour, M., Coslett D. (2022). "Islamic Architecture Today and Tomorrow: (Re)defining the Field". Chicago University Press. ISBN 9781789386042.

Gharipour, M., Tyne, I.A., Afsary, S., Hemme, N., Trout, A.L. (2022). "A community healthcare clinic in Baltimore: healing environment, design criteria, and assessment metrics", International Journal of Architectural Research (IJAR). DOI: 10.1108/ARCH-02-2022-0051.

Hendricks, M. (2022). "Leveraging Critical Infrastructure Within an Environmental Justice Framework for Public Health Prevention". American Journal of Public Health. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2022.306883

Irazabal, C., González-Pérez, J., Lois-González, R. (2022). "The Routledge Handbook of Urban Studies in Latin America and the Caribbean". Routledge. ISBN 9780367677404. [Virtual presentation, Spanish]

Irazabal, C., Jacobi, P., Torres, P. (2022). "Urban Greening in the Global South: Green Gentrification and Beyond". Journal: Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. DOI: 10.3389/frsc.2022.865940

Irazabal, C., Letelier, R., Benach, N., Tapia, V. (2022) "Resisting the neo-liberal neighbourhood’s straitjacket: relational neighbourhood geographies in Chile and Spain". DOI: 10.3828/tpr.2022.10

Irazabal, C. "Improving Global Planning Education by Centering the Experience of International Students in U.S. and Canadian Planning Schools". Journal of Planning Education and Research, 42 (3). DOI: 10.1177/0739456X2210936.

Jenkins, E. (2022). "Drawn to Design: Analyzing Architecture Through Freehand Drawing Expanded and Updated Edition". Birkhauser. ISBN 9783035624656

Jourdan, D., Lee, C., Newman, G., Zandt, S., Ye, X. (2022). "Expanding the Right to the City Through Regulatory and Financial Planning Tools". Journal of Planning Education and Research. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X221085492

Jourdan, D. (2022). "Engaged Research: Inviting Residents into the Scientific Process". Journal of Planning Education and Research, 42 (3). DOI: 10.1177/0739456X221105048.

Keller, P., Stewart, N. (2022). "Opinion: Time to overhaul Baltimore County’s planning, development review and zoning process". Maryland Matters.

Knaap, G., Lewis, R.,, Chakraborty, A., June-Friesen, K. (2022). "Handbook on Smart Growth : Promise, Principles, and Prospects for Planning". Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 9781789904680.

Knaap, G., Lewis, R., Chakraborty, A., June-Friesen, K., Molri, N. (2022). "The Rise and Fall of Smart Growth: An Exploration of the Appearance of Smart Growth and Related Terms in Google Searches, APA Conference Programs, and Selected Newspapers"Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy, 29 (1), 336-349.

Lung-Amam, W., Anacker, K., Finio, N. (2022). "Suburbia: The Changing Geography of High-Poverty Neighborhoods in the Washington, DC Metro". Suburbia in the 21st Century: From Dreamscape to Nightmare? ISBN: 9781138185913.

Lung-Amam, W., Alvarez, N., Green, R. (2022). "To Narrow the Racial Wealth Gap, Help Entrepreneurs of Color Own Property"CityLab.

Lung-Amam, W., Alvarez, N., Green, R. (2022). "We make us safe: Alternatives to policing in a Latinx immigrant inner-ring suburb"Journal of Urban Affairs. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2022.2130072

Mehta, V. (2022). "Public Space: notes on why it matters, what we should know, and how to realize its potential". Routledge. ISBN 9781032137025

Mohagheghi, S., Gharipour, M., DeClercq, C., Bui, A., Tyne, I.A. (2022). "Identifying Optimal Locations for Potential Temporary Community Clinics During Public Health Emergencies", Health Environments Research and Design Journal. DOI: 10.1177/19375867221124234.

Rouse, D. (2022). "The Future of the Comprehensive Plan". Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy, 29 (1), 299-326.


Abrams, M. (2021). "The Art of City Sketching: A Field Manual". RoutledgeISBN 9780367458966.

Bierbaum, A. (2021). "School Closures and the Contested Unmaking of Philadelphia’s Neighborhoods". Journal of Planning Education and Research, 41(2), 202-216. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X18785018

Bierbaum, A., Rodriguez, A. (2021). "Our public school infrastructure is set up to continue to fail". The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Bierbaum, A., Sunderman, G.L. (2021). "School Desegregation, School Re-zoning, and Growth Management in Two Maryland Counties". Education Policy Analysis Archives29, 165.

Gharipour, M., DeClercq, C. (2021). "Epidemic urbanism : contagious diseases in global cities". Intellect Ltd. ISBN: 1789384672.

Hendricks, M., Meyer, A.M. (2021). "Modeling Long-Term Housing Recovery after Technological Disaster Using a Virtual Audit with Repeated Photography". Journal of Planning Education and Research. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X211002910

Hu, M. (2021). "Beyond Operational Energy Efficiency: A Balanced Sustainability Index from a Life Cycle Consideration". Sustainability, 13 (20), 11263. DOI: 10.3390/su132011263

Hu, M. (2021). "2019 energy benchmarking data for LEED-certified buildings in Washington, D.C.: Simulation and reality". Journal of Building Engineering, 42, 102475.

Hu, M., Simon, M., Fix, S. et al (2021). "Exploring a sustainable building’s impact on occupant mental health and cognitive function in a virtual environment". Scientific Reports, 11, 5644. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-85210-9

Hu, M., Skibniewski, M. (2021). "Green Building Construction Cost Surcharge: An Overview". Journal of Architectural Engineering, 27(4).

Irazabal, C., Golda-Pongratz, K., Metawala, P. (2021). "Revisiting Engels’ ‘housing question’: Work and housing conditions of immigrant platform delivery riders in Barcelona". Human Geography, 14(2):243-257. DOI: 10.1177/19427786211010131

Jourdan D., Lee C., Li W., Newman G., Zandt SV (2021). "The Necessary Role of Planning Practice and Scholarship in the Age of Uncertainty". Journal of Planning Education and Research, 41(2), 134-134. DOI:10.1177/0739456X211008510

Lung-Amam, W. (2021). "Businesses Are Victims of Gentrification, Too". CityLab.

Lung-Amam, W. (2021). "The Next New Deal Must Be for Black Americans, Too". CityLab.

Wong, B., Knaap, G., Lung-Amam, W. (2021). "Moderately Priced Dwelling Units: Montgomery County, Maryland’s Model of Inclusionary Housing". Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. 



Bierbaum, A. (2020). "Managing shrinkage by “right-sizing” schools: The case of school closures in Philadelphia". Journal of Urban Affairs. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2020.1712150 

Bierbaum, A., Karner, A., & Barajas, J. (2020). "Toward Mobility Justice: Linking Transportation and Education Equity in the Context of School Choice". Journal of the American Planning Association. DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2020.1803104

Dawkins, C. (2020). "The right to housing in an ownership society". Housing and Society, 1–22. DOI: 10.1080/08882746.2020.1722055 

Irazábal, C., Jirón, P. (2020) "Latin American smart cities: Between worlding infatuation and crawling provincialising". Urban Studies, 58 (3), 507-534.  DOI: 10.1177/004209802094520. 

Ezban, M. (2020). "Aquaculture Landscapes: Fish Farms and the Public Realm". Routledge. ISBN 9780367783808.

Gabrielli, J. (2020). "Review: Design with Nature Now". Orion Magazine. 

Garay-Huamán, A.N. & Irazábal, C. (2020). "Latinos in Kansas City: The Political Economy of Placemaking". Journal of Planning Literature. DOI: 10.1177/0885412220969910

Knaap, G.J., Engelberg, D., Avin, U., Erdogan, S., Ducca, F., & Welch, T. (2020). Modeling Sustainability Scenarios in the Baltimore–Washington (DC) Region Implications for Methodology and Policy. Journal of the American Planning Association, 250-263. DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2019.1680311

Hendricks, M. (2020). "Transforming Public Safety and Urban Infrastructure to Mitigate Climate and Public Health Disasters". Social Science Research Council. 

Hu, M. (2020). "A Building Life-Cycle Embodied Performance Index—The Relationship between Embodied Energy, Embodied Carbon and Environmental Impact".  Energies 2020, 13(8), 1905. DOI: 10.3390/en13081905

Hu, M. (2020). "Examining the environmental impacts of materials and buildings". Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2426-8

Hu, M. (2020). "Smart Technologies and Design For Healthy Built Environments". DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51292-7

Hu, M., Milner, D. (2020). "Visualizing the research of embodied energy and environmental impact research in the building and construction field: a bibliometric analysis". Developments in the Built Environment, 3, 100010. DOI: 10.1016/j.dibe.2020.100010

Hu, M., & Roberts, J. D. (2020). "Connections and divergence between public health and built environment—A scoping review". Urban Science, 4(1), 12. doi: 10.3390/urbansci4010012

Hu, M., Simon, M., Fix, S. et al. (2021) "Exploring a sustainable building’s impact on occupant mental health and cognitive function in a virtual environment". Scientific Reports 11, 5644. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-85210-9

Kim, S., Irazabal, C., & Sun, F. (2020). "Planning for Climate Change: Implications of High Temperatures and Extreme Heat for Los Angeles County (CA)". Journal of the American Planning Association, 87(1), 33-34. DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2020.1788415

Magalong, M. (2020). "Equity and Social Inclusion from the Ground Up: Historic Preservation in Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities. In E. Avrami (ed.)". Social Inclusion and Preservation (pp.147- 156). Columbia Books on Architecture and the City. 

Nasta, P. (2020). "Adaptive Reuse: Parking, Zoning, and Shopping Malls. In B. Stiefel (ed.)". The Routledge Companion to Automobile Heritage, Culture, and Preservation (pp. 128-147 ). Routledge.

Welch, B., Bierbaum, A., & Rusli, A (2020). "Mindful Mapping: An Integrated Approach to Helping Youth Navigate Neighborhood Change". Routledge Handbook of Designing Public Spaces for Young People. DOI: 10.4324/9780429505614

Wells, J. (2020). "The Affect of Old Places: Exploring the Dimensions of Place Attachment and Senescent Environments". In D.A. Kopec, A. Bliss (eds.), Place Meaning and Attachment: Authenticity, Heritage and Preservation (pp. 1-15). Routledge.

Wells, J. (2020). "Human Aspects of Historic Urban Environments". In K. Silva (ed.),The Routledge Handbook on Historic Urban Landscapes of the Asia-Pacific. Routledge.

Wells, J. (2020). "The Treatment of Historic Automobiles and Buildings: Conservation Charters and Impacts on Practice". In B. Stiefel (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Automobile Heritage, Culture, and Preservation (pp. 35-46). Routledge.

Westmont, V.C., D.J. Pogue, M. Butler, & E. Totten (2020).  "The Rossborough Inn on the University of Maryland Campus: Two Centuries of Change".  Maryland Historical Magazine, 114(2):153-185.

Williams, J. (2020). "Architecture of Disjuncture: Mediterranean Trade and Cathedral Building in a New Diocese (11th-13th Centuries)". Brepols. 

Younes, H., Zou, Z., Wu, J., & Baiocchi, G. (2020). "Comparing the temporal determinants of dockless scooter-share and station-based bike-share in Washington, D.C." Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 134, 308–320. doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2020.02.021 

Zou, Z., Younes, H., Erdoğan, S., & Wu, J. (2020). "Exploratory Analysis of Real-Time E-Scooter Trip Data in Washington, D.C." Transportation Research Record. doi: 10.1177/0361198120919760