Change is Coming: Pre-adaptability for a Resilient City

Ava Omidvar’s thesis tackles the natural and human-made disasters that have shaped civilizations for centuries, and the increased frequency and int

Plan for the Adaptive Reuse of the Long Hotel in Stephenville, Texas

The historic Long Hotel in Stephenville, Texas, is no stranger to reinvention.

Aerotropolis: An Airport as a Driver of Urban and Economic Development

Could the airport of the future hold the key to a city’s urban development?

Seeking Home: A Community Development for the Venezuelan Diaspora in Quito, Ecuador

The political and economic upheavals in Venezuela have resulted in over four million Venezuelans fleeing the country for a better, stable life else

Marccus Hendricks Named a Grist 2021 Fixer

Assistant Professor Marccus Hendricks joins an elite crew of 50 brilliant trailblazers from across

MAPP Commencement Spring 2021

The University of Maryland campus-wide

Undergrad Information Session

Learn more about our undergraduate architecture program during this information session.

Remembering Professor Emeritus B. Frank Schlesinger, FAIA

Join faculty, staff, alumni and friends as we pay tribute to Frank Schlesinger. Register for this virtual event in advance, 

Rhythms of Nature Inspire Pilot Design Studio

Could the future of sustainable building design be built on straw, vines and tree bark?