Recreating the Greats: Students Bring Iconic Houses to Virtual Life through BIM

Rendering of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson’s Halls Ridge Knoll Guest House , Rendering of Frank Harmon’s Strickland-Ferris Residence , Rendering of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Pope-Leighey House
Building Information Modeling Course give students the chance to hone their skills in essential technology.

Resilience Financing for Maryland Local Governments

EFC partnered with the Maryland Forestry Foundation to develop an action framework and community engagement series to support Resilience Financ

Restoring the Octoraro: Plain Sect Conservation Action

The EFC worked with a team led by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and including the Octoraro Watershed Association to build on local efforts to

Research & Creative Practice Areas

The School of Architecture, Preservation and Planning has created research areas that focus on particular faculty interest. The foll

City Energy Efficiency: Meeting the Climate Deadline

EFC and the Sustainable States Network worked to advance the capacity of cities in 5 states to identify, develop, and implement energy efficiency p

DIGITAL conception(s)

DIGITAL conception(s) rendering. , DIGITAL conception(s) , DIGITAL conception(s) linear gallery. , DIGITAL conception(s) plexiglass.
DIGITAL conception(s) is a retrospective exhibition of architectural digital design media exploration conducted by undergraduate and graduate students of architecture involved in the research and teaching activities of Assistant Professor Michael A. Ambrose within the architecture program at the University of Maryland School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. The work, while often less than architecture, it is explicitly architectural in thought, word and deed. The ideas and techniques interrogated in the work of the exhibit are designed to develop and expose critical skills in the conception(s) of architecture. The ability to think and make through digital and computational processes is the new imperative in architectural design, practice and education.

Most Daring Dream: Photographs by Robert Houston

Photographs by Robert Houston of Resurrection City and the Poor People's Campaign, 1968

Exhibit | On v

International Design and Development Case Competitions

Interdisciplinary Competition , International Design and Development Case Competitions , International Design and Development Case Competitions

Come meet the competitors and celebrate interdisciplinary team work of Maryland students in ARCH, MRED, URSP, LARC and HISP.