OUTSIDE EVENT: Preserving Sites of Suffrage Activism
100 years of the 19th Amendment: Maryland’s history of suffrage activism, the omission of women from state and local inventories of historic sites, and the complexity of commemorating a movement which left African American women behind.
Lending an Ear to First Responders
Assistant Clinical Professor Brittany Williams Brings Relief by Producing Ear-saving Gadgets
UMD Urban Studies and Planning Program Receives Full-term Accreditation
The Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) has awarded the University of Maryland’s Master of Community Planning degree program a seven-year, full term
Baltimore Architect, MAPP Alum John Chalk Dies from Coronavirus
The School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation and the University of Maryland community sadly mourn the death of John Chalk (B.ARCH ’80) a graduate of UMD’s Architecture Program.
Lindsey May Earns AIA/DC’s Inaugural Architectural Educator Award
The Washington Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA|DC) and Washington Architectural Foundation (WAF) have awarded Assistant Clinical Professor Lindsey May the distinction of AIA|DC’s 2020 architectural educator.
Now Online: Kibel Gallery Exhibit, "Making the Holodomor Memorial: Context & Questions"
Like much of the rest of the world, our Maryland community is struggling to comprehend the confusing and fearful events happening this wee
MAPP's PhD Program Celebrate Two Spring Graduates
In the wake of COVID-19, program administrators and doctoral students alter defenses, celebrations and graduation plans.