MAPP@50 Celebrating 50 Years of the University of Maryland School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation 1967-2017

MAPP@50 Celebrating 50 Years of the University of Maryland School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation 1967-2017 is a histori

The Foundation Years: Recollections of the Beginning Years of the School of Architecture, University of Maryland, 1967-1982

This book is dedicated to the students, staff, and faculty of our early years, those pathfinders who helped find our mission, build ou

Solomon’s Crossing

Sophisticated Apartment Living Shouldn’t Stop at the Beltway

Mariner’s Court (Phase I)

History, Vitality & Care
A continuing care retirement community in Annapolis, Maryland

(sub)urban uprising: decentering 'the urban' in discourses on policing and protest

This conversation seeks to decenter “the urban” and asks instead what it means to think about policing and protest from a (sub)urban lens. That is, as social and political practices that do not respect municipal bounds, but are at the same time deeply spatialized. What possibilities does such a reframing allow in reimagining not only where police violence occurs, but also why and to what effect? And what possibilities does it open up for organizers, activists, and scholars on the front lines seeking new forms of racial redress and justice in and beyond policing? The virtual conversation will feature three scholar-activists whose recent work focuses on racialized policing practices, anti-black racism, and uprising in affluent enclaves as well as increasingly segregated, high-poverty suburbs across the U.S. 

Making Their Mark: MAPP’s 2020 Student Project Showcase

Amber Robbs project rendering on  Sustainability Through Adaptation: Reimagining Existing Spaces with Mass Timber Construction , Christopher Ramirez final project: Farewell, RFK. Hello Affordability and Place , Matthew Harrop final project on Solomon’s Crossing. , Grave Davenport's final project on Historic Structure Investigation: The Piper House, Antietam National Battlefield , Dan Lorenzana's final thesis project on: Here to Stay: The Disaster, Displacement, and the Biomimetic Response.

Each semester, students from MAPP’s Master of Architecture, Master of Historic Preservation and Master of Real Estate Development Programs home in

Made in Prince George’s: Urban Studies Students Make a Case for Maker-Manufacturers in Prince George’s County

Study is one of 13 PALS projects presented to Prince George’s County agencies this Spring.