Capstone Competition Fall 2020

ZOOM Session
Embracing Disruption: Urban Streets and Infrastructure of 21st Century - Paris Sim
Image Caption
"Embracing Disruption: Urban Streets and Infrastructure of 21st Century" by Paris Sim (M. ARCH + MRED '20)

The Colvin Institute will host the 2020 Fall Capstone Competition virtually via Zoom. We invite you to attend the presentations of three MRED graduating students and two dual degree students in Architecture and Historic Preservation. Registration is required via Zoom.

The program will kick off on Saturday, December 19th at 12:00 PM (ET). Please be prompt as once the presentations begin we will not allow anyone to join.  Five students will present their projects and the judges will ask poignant follow up questions. Following the presentations, the judges will deliberate and the winner will be announced during a virtual reception (libation of your choice).

We hope that you will log on and support our graduating students!
