Jonathan Katz Earns Spot in the 2021 Presidential Management Fellows Program

URSP graduate student Jonathan Katz has been selected as a 2021 Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program Finalist by t

“Monumental” Assignment

Skopje Garden Sketch , Columbus garden statue , Timeline /Storyboard for Monumental Assignment

Mount Rushmore casts a long shadow on the United States, and not because of its size.

Master of Architecture Theses (Fall 2020)

Join us on December 16, 2020 for the final presentations of Master of Architecture Theses. 

UMD Report: Baltimore’s School Construction Program a Win for Students, but Less So for Neighborhoods

A $1.1 billion program to replace or rehabilitate 28 aging Baltimore public schools is on track to transform the educ

Lung-Amam Joins Social Science Advisory Board at Poverty & Race Research Action Council

Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Planning Willow Lung-Amam has been appointed to the 

Career & Internship Fair 2021

The Career Fair is this Friday, February 26, from 1-5 pm.  We have 47 registered companies and anticipate a few more signing up be

Gather: The Fight to Revitalize our Native Foodways (Film Screening)

Join us on Tuesday, December 15 at 1:30 PM for a special film screening to celebrate our school community coming through a very tough time, and to

5th Annual Colvin Case Study Challenge

Please join us for the 5th Annual Colvin Case Study Challenge where the top four teams

MAPP Commencement Fall 2020

The Fall 2020 Commencement will take place on December, 20, 2020 at 2:00 pm, immediately following the