Making Space/ Student Project that Balances Housing Need with Conservation Wins Planning Award

In September, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments released a sobering statistic: The region will require an additional

Modern Love: Alumni Designs on Display to Support Future Terp Architects

D.C.’s Modern Home Tour showcases MAPP Alumni, with proceeds benefiting UMD’s AIAS

The Bridge That Divided Us Now Unites Us

Poster , Bridge , People

The Bridge That Divided Us Now Unites Us

Residents of three Silver Spring, Montgomery County neighborhoods surrounding the historic Talbo

Spain: Urbanism, Gardens, Architecture, and Detail in Andalucia

This region of Spain offers perhaps the best place on Earth to study the connections between urban design and its verdant counterpart, gardens, wit

Scandinavia: Culture + Place

Learn first hand about the role culture, geography, and history play in architectural form by investigating the built and natural environment in Sc


With its several thousand years of civilization woven into its legendary urban texture, Florence embodies all that the Renais

Italy: Florence and Tuscany

This program will expose you to the architectural, landscape, urbanistic, and artistic traditions of Italy, which are considered by many academics

Kiplin Hall, Understanding Place: Historic Cultural Landscapes of Yorkshire and Northeast England

HISP619Y: Understanding Place: Historic Cultural Landscapes of Yorkshire and Northeast England