JPMorgan Chase Makes $5 Million Investment to Support Housing, Small Business Goals along Purple Line Corridor

Oct 30, 2019 / Updated Apr 30, 2020

Photo by Dan Reed.
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Photo courtesy of Dan Reed.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.  has awarded a $5 million grant to Enterprise Community Partners, the Latino Economic Development Center and the National Housing Trust to help expand access to economic opportunity for local residents and small business owners along the 16-mile Purple Line light rail corridor in the Greater Washington region. Enterprise Community Partners and the Latino Economic Development Center are both partners of the Purple Line Corridor Coalition. The grant will help the three recipient organizations create a critical framework for preserving and creating affordable housing, providing small business loans and support, and partner with community organizations to obtain and complete corridor-related projects, key tenets of the Purple Line Corridor Coalition Community Agreement signed in 2017. The Purple Line Corridor Coalition is housed under the University of Maryland’s National Center for Smart Growth.

Read the official release here and read more about the local impacts of this landmark grant in an article from The Washington Post.