Design Hub is a new design-centric initiative that provides a space for weekly conversations about design between students and visionary and innovative architecture practitioners.

Design Hub is an opportunity for students to engage with visiting practitioners about a variety of topics on an ongoing basis. These topics may include current design studio work, conversations around design-theory and pedagogy, methods of visual representation, emerging trends in the industry, and more. The intent of Design Hub is to be a place for design-centric and career-building conversation, free from the constraints or time limitations of the classroom. Students are encouraged to explore new ideas, absorb feedback from experienced practitioners, and broaden their knowledge about design, architecture and the larger built environment.

The inaugural sessions are led by Kenneth Wiseman, FAIA and Brandon Lipman, RA - two experienced practitioners who are bringing valuable insights to both undergraduate and graduate students, every Friday in the Great Space. From advice about exciting career pathways to exploring new design ideas, Design Hub is a pilot program for the Spring 2024 semester.



W. Kenneth Wiseman, FAIA, Design Principal at CannonDesign
Brandon Lipman, RA, LEED AP


Primary Contact: 

Michael Ezban -
Abby Chi (GA) -