The Reveal: NBI East Coast Headquarters - Graven & Schoch

Within this integrated design studio, pairs of students designed a new sustainability policy hub in Kensington, Maryl

The Reveal: NBI East Coast Headquarters - Bowers & Nivison

Within this integrated design studio, pairs of students designed a new sustainability policy hub in Kensington, Maryl

PALS Projects Focus On Community Impact For the Fall 2023 Semester

People walking in a green neighborhood , Students presenting a project , Children and PALS students and members in a playground

This fall, the Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability program (PALS) has continued its efforts to so

Tribute to Dr. Angel David Nieves

Greetings, MAPP and HISP families,

Philanthropy Provides New Opportunities for Real Estate Students

It has been a landmark year for the Real Estate Development Program at the University of Maryland.

Healthy Places Seed Grant Hosts Mid-Year Roundtable

The School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (MAPP), the School of Public Health (SPH), UMD faculty, s

Career & Internship Fair 2024

Join us for the 2024 Architecture, Planning, Preservation and Real Estate Development Career and Internship Fair held on Friday,

Food Drive

MAPP is sponsoring a food drive to h