Gozar: Iranian Cultural Park

The severed relationship between Iran and the United States is encapsulated within the abandoned architecture of the former Iranian Embassy.

Preserving Historic Rural Properties: Helping Owners Help Themselves

Rural historic properties are threatened by both insufficient owner resources and external development pressures.

Obsolescence and Renewal: Transformation of Post-War Concrete Buildings

In this thesis (Kara) investigates issues of post-war concrete buildings and how we can both add value and make adaptable what we have traditionall

The Legacy of Historic Sites: Interpreting African American History

The history of slavery and its legacy of racism are difficult parts of the national historic narrative.

Preservation Mixing Bowl: Combining Tax Credits for Economically Feasible Preservation

Both private investment and sustained government support are crucial in providing the funds necessary to secure the future for historic structures

Closing the Gap: Best Practices for Funding Residential Rehabilitation

This paper explores the history of preservation financing and the different financing structures currently available for owner-occupied housing acr

Preserving the Character of the Woodridge Commercial Corridor

The Washington, DC neighborhood of Woodridge developed in the early twentieth century as a streetcar suburb on the northeast edge of the city.

Placing Labor History

“Placing Labor History” provides a foundation for integrating place-based history into the field of labor history.

The Conservation Movement in Pennsylvania: Developing a Historic Context and Guidelines Evaluating State Forests and Parks

The removal of timber by lumber companies during the Industrial Revolution caused wide spread environmental degradation and spurred a movement to p

Historic Structure Report: 1428 West Baltimore Street

The purpose of this historic structure report is to provide a set of recommendations to guide future projects related to the commercial building lo