HISP@30: Looking Back/Moving Forward

May 29, 2019 / Updated Mar 27, 2020

Riversdale Mansion
Chalfonte Hotel
Lobby Day 2015
Mount Vernon Field School2014

The 30th Anniversary of the Historic Preservation Program arrives in 2018. We're excited to share outstanding events we are planning for the 2018–2019 academic year.


Saturday, October 27, 2018

HISP@30: Looking Back/Moving Forward Dinner at Riversdale House Museum


Winter 2019

Patterson Lecture: "Latinos in Heritage Conservation: Locating Equity & Social Justice in Historic Preservation"

Dr. Sarah Zenaida Gould


May 3 - 4, 2019

The Chalafonte and Cape May




Historic Preservation Program Timeline:


1967   School of Architecture founded.

1969   Dr. William “Bill” Murtagh, Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places, appointed first Kea Distinguished Professor.

1971   David Fogle joined faculty in area of urban planning.

1974   Orin Bullock appointed as visiting professor.

1980   Historic Preservation Committee established (members included representatives from American Studies, Anthropology, Architecture, Geography and History).

1980   Chalfonte Hotel Summer Field School begins.

1985   Kiplin Hall Study Centre launched and Summer Study Abroad Program started.

1986   National Trust Library (NTL) collection moves to Maryland (Architecture Library).

1988   Graduate Certificate Launched (24 Credits).

1988   Dr. William Murtagh appointed as first director.

1989   David Fogle appointed as first permanent director.

1993   NTL moves to McKeldin Library and becomes part of Special Collections.

1999   David Fogle retires from UMD.

2000   Dr. Randall Mason hired as Assistant Professor and Director.

2001   NTL moves to Hornbake Library with the rest of Special Collections.

2001   Master of Historic Preservation approved.

2003   Dr. Angel Nieves hired as Assistant Prof.

2003   Mary Konsoulis appointed interim director.

2004   Dr. Don Linebaugh hired as Associate Prof. and Director.

2006   Graduate Certificate Modified (16 Credits).

2006   Professional Graduate Certificate (HSPR) added.

2007   Dual Degree with Community Planning (CPHP) launched (fall).

2008   Dual Degree with Architecture (ARHP) launched (fall).

2008   Dr. BD Wortham-Galvin hired as Assistant Prof. (split appointment with Architecture)

2008   UMD and Bladensburg MOU to use Bostwick House as preservation study center.

2009   MHP Degree modified.

2011   Dual Degree with Real Estate Development (HPDV) launched (spring).

2012   Dr. Michele Lamprakos hired as Assistant Prof. (split appointment with Architecture)

2012   Launch of UMD and Mount Vernon Preservation Field School.

2014   Launch of UMD and Kiplin Cultural Landscapes Field School.

2016   Dr. Jeremy Wells hired as an Assistant Professor.  Brent Leggs hired as an Assistant Clinical Professor

2017   Master of Historic Preservation curriculum revised.