RESCHEDULED: Latinos in Heritage Conservation: Locating Equity & Social Justice in Historic Preservation

ARC 1111

3835 Campus Drive
Architecture Building (145 ARC)
College Park, MD 20742
United States

Patterson Image
Sarah Gould
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Latinos in Heritage Conservation: Locating Equity & Social Justice in Historic Preservation

Sarah Zenaida Gould, PhD

Co-Chair, Latinos in Heritage Conservation

Director, Museo del Westside, San Antonio, TX


Marvin Breckinridge Patterson Lecture

Room 1111, Architecture Building

Thursday, February 21st, 6:00PM


Sarah Zenaida Gould’s lecture will consider the role of social justice in historic preservation, how we can increase equity in historic preservation, and current challenges to inclusion in preservation policy, education, and recruitment. She will describe the efforts of the national organization Latin@s in Heritage Conservation to increase Latino representation in and commitment to historic preservation.

She will emphasize the importance of alliance building across communities to create a vision for a future of historic preservation that connects to multiple campaigns for social justice, and present recent projects that demonstrate how Latino communities have mobilized to defend and preserve memory, ritual, and identity in physical places, focusing on how grassroots preservation justice organizing has activated communities in San Antonio, TX in support of more inclusive historic preservation policies and practices.   



Please join us for a reception outside Room 1111 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. as we continue to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the HISP Program. Lecture to follow in the auditorium. Open to the public, no tickets required!



Thursday, February 21st, 12:00-1:30 p.m., Dean’s Conference Room, Architecture Bldg.


“Oral History for the Heritage Conservationist,” hosted by Dr. Sarah Zenaida Gould.


This workshop will demonstrate how to use oral history to aid historic preservation projects. Participants will learn about essential steps, best practices, digitization strategies, and increasing public engagement in heritage conservation through oral history projects. 


The workshop is open to UMD graduate students, faculty, and staff only. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to by February 15th


The Patterson Lecture is in conjunction with the UMD Heritage Lectures.