Small Public Water Systems

The overall goal of this project is to improve the financial and managerial capacity and enable small public water systems to provide safe drinking water across the U.S.  The Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN) is working together on this project, as it is uniquely positioned to build managerial and financial capacity of small public drinking water systems with its collective experience, including its long history and expertise helping communities and its capacity to serve all EPA Regions, all 50 states, and U.S. territories. 

Each EFC in the network will work with small water systems in its region to tailor specific training and technical assistance to fit the needs of those systems.  Our EFC will work directly with state agencies, utility managers, and leaders in the mid-Atlantic region to provide training and technical assistance to help improve the capacity of small drinking water systems in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, and the District of Columbia.

To meet the objectives of this project, the EFCN will utilize classroom trainings, workshops, small group and one-on-one assistance, remote trainings and webcasts, tools and training materials available on websites, and distribution of printed materials.  All trainings and technical assistance will be done free of charge for the participants. To ensure services match the needs of small systems, the EFCN will coordinate with the EPA Regional offices and state regulatory and funding agencies. 

Team Members

Program / Center Affiliation