Visiting Professor

The Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University invites applications from distinguished scholars for two term-length appointments as Visiting Professor. There is one appointment open for each of Fall 2023 (September-December) and Winter 2024 (January-April).


The Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University
Ottawa, ON

The Institute’s unique programming includes an M.A. in Political Economy, a Ph.D. Specialization in Political Economy, and a Graduate Diploma in Work and Labour. Each appointment involves teaching one graduate course in an area of political economy (broadly defined), and one graduate course in work and labour. In addition, the visiting professor will deliver a public lecture, workshop, or symposium.

Candidates are expected to be mid- to senior-career scholars with well-established research portfolios in one or more domains of political economy, including work and labour. Each successful candidate will be paid a salary of $30,000 for the one-term appointment.



The applicant should have a PhD in a relevant discipline, a strong record of internationally-recognized published scholarship, and a strong record of teaching at the graduate level. The applicant should also ensure that when they apply, if selected, that they will be on sabbatical or able to take leave to accept the position.



Applications should be sent electronically in one single PDF document and include cover letter (The cover letter must include an attestation that the applicant will be on sabbatical or other approved leave for the duration of the appointment), a full curriculum vitae, plus a short description of two proposed courses, and should be addressed to Prof. Justin Paulson, Director, Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University and sent via email care of Consideration of complete applications will begin after September 30, 2022. The positions will remain open until filled.


Job Type