Urban Designer and Meeting Facilitator

Contract Duration: Six Months, part-time

Job detail: This is a part-time contractual position with OPZ's Long Range Planning Section in the Planning Division. This project is focused on engagement for Region Planning in Regions 2, 4, and 7.  

The primary role of this position is to conduct a series of public events and/or charrettes related to future land use opportunities and produce concept plans, architectural drawings, and brief narratives and recommendations for each of the three regions.  

Position may be remote, though attendance is required for charrettes and site visits. Office space is available, if needed. The County will reimburse the Contractor for expenses to include charette venue fee and charette supplies, as pre-authorized by the County. Pre-authorization is also required for travel expenses. See Responsibilities and Scope of Work below for more information.

Anne Arundel County Planning and Zoning
$50 - $60/hr based on licenses and experience

Responsibilities/Scope of Work: The Anne Arundel County Region Plans are community-driven land use documents that build on the work of Plan2040, the Countywide General Development Plan, in smaller areas. The Region Plans will evaluate community assets and needs, present a shared vision for the next 20 years, and make specific recommendations about planned land use, zoning, environmental protection, transportation improvements, public facilities, and community design. The Region Plans will be used as a reference for informing future requests such as modifying zoning, private development plans, and the capital budget and improvement program. The process is underway for Regions 2, 4, and 7.

The Contractor will be responsible for:

Meeting with the OPZ:

  • Pre-meetings to review and discuss the scope of work
  • Meet to discuss and develop the public event/charrette collaboratively with OPZ
  • Post public event/charrette meetings to debrief

Site visits of the three regions with OPZ staff. (December 2022)

Public meetings/charrettes and presentations of deliverables for each of the three regions (to be completed by February 2023).

  • Region 2 (one two-day public charrette and one public meeting to share deliverables)
  • Region 4 (one half-day (4 hour) workshop on 9 sites and one public meeting (2 hour) to share deliverables)
  • Region 7 (one two-day public charrette and one public meeting to share deliverables)
  • Note that OPZ staff will be present to assist. Contractor is responsible for leading the design aspect of the events.

Develop concept plans and/or architectural drawings for each of the three regions (to be completed by February 2023). The County will provide base mapping data including topography, roads, and parcel boundaries.

  • Region 2 (five concept plans)
  • Region 4 (up to 9, but no less than 3, concept plans of sites addressed during workshop, determined by County Staff)
  • Region 7 (one concept plan)
  • Collaborate with additional OPZ divisions and additional research as needed.

Required Experience /Education: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited four-year university or college in urban planning, urban design, architecture, or related field; Five (5) or more years of experience preparing concept plans, architectural renderings, or similar design products and conducting public meetings. Preference will be given to candidates with experience conducting charrettes   General familiarity with the County's geography and planning and zoning policies   Ability to maintain best practices and the highest professional standards   A successful applicant shall also have:

  • Strong organizational and planning skills
  • Ability to work both remotely and onsite at any Anne Arundel County location
  • Ability to work both independently and as a member of a team.
  • Ability to work rapidly to produce concept sketches and/or mapping for public review and comment

Application instructions: Please submit a cover letter, resume, and portfolio of work to pzcarr20@aacounty.org

Program / Center Affiliation
Job Type