Senior Planner Manager, Urban Design & Planning

Mithun seeks an experienced, multi-faceted Senior Project Manager to join our team. You will move the needle on resilient urbanism and equitable growth on a range of urban projects from transit station area and corridor plans to health equity plans and neighborhood frameworks. As an integrated design firm, Mithun offers opportunities for you to engage on a range of project scales and types including framework and area plans, development master plans, and design standards.

The Senior Project Manager leads project teams and supports excellence on large-scale, complex projects, collaborating with multiple disciplines both within Mithun’s integrated design team and externally. You lead client and stakeholder coordination, meetings, and oversee multiple projects concurrently, ensuring that project and client objectives are met. You coordinate with other team members, including design staff and other disciplines to facilitate design integration, alignment with technical requirements for all urban design aspects, and community/stakeholder considerations.

Sam Francisco, CA

Key Responsibilities

  • Directs technical aspects and production deliverables of multiple large-scale projects and teams, keeping projects on track and creating success for private, public, institutional and non-profit clients
  • Prepare presentations and public facilitation
  • Manages projects from marketing/proposals to completion
  • Works with other team members to develop urban design concepts and plan content
  • Supports internal firm initiatives based on interests and opportunities

Skills and Qualifications


  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in Urban Planning, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture or Architecture and 7+ years relevant professional experience.
  • Demonstrated experience working at the district scale (e.g., 10+ acres)
  • Strong writing and project management skills
  • Understanding of urban design concepts, including public realm, development types, multi-modal transportation, zoning/policy analysis, real estate economics, and district-scale sustainability
  • Communication and software tool abilities include MS Office Suite, GIS, Adobe Creative Suite


  • Knowledge of architectural / vertical development urban design considerations, including code and constructability requirements, as well as parking
  • Knowledge of transit integration considerations
  • Multilingual skills
  • Knowledge of Rhino, AutoCAD, or Revit
  • Additional education, training or experience in a complimentary discipline such as Environmental Studies, Social Science, or Public Health

At Mithun, our design has purpose—to create positive change in people’s lives. We are an internationally recognized leader in planning and design, with a focus on sustainable performance, human health and social equity. Mithun has been recognized with diverse national awards including seven AIA Committee on the Environment Top Ten Awards, ULI Global Award of Excellence, Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence, CNU Charter Awards, EPA Smart Growth Achievement award, and an APA Great Places in America award. Mithun is a JUST organization and ranked among the top firms in the nation by Architect magazine.

We embrace justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) as key expressions of our mission of Design for Positive Change. We are committed to promoting JEDI both internally and externally, in our firm culture, project work and partnerships. Our goal is not just good intentions but real impact for the people, communities and clients we serve.

Program / Center Affiliation
Job Type