Senior Climate Adaptation Specialist

AECOM is seeking a Senior Climate Adaptation Specialist based in San Francisco, California. The selected candidate will join the Sustainability and Climate Group, part of AECOM’s Urbanism + Planning practice within Buildings + Places. The primary emphasis of the group is to promote resilience, socioeconomic and environmental sustainability in urban design, city planning, and policy projects. This is accomplished through employing climate assessment, rigorous economic and strategic planning techniques and developing innovative analytical approaches to providing solutions for delivering sustainability in varied domestic and international contexts.

San Francisco, CA

The Senior Climate Adaptation Specialist will focus on climate adaptation and resilience planning primarily for local government and other public agencies, although experience with private sector welcomed. Qualified candidates will have excellent analytical and writing skills with a professional consulting background in climate change adaptation. Urban planning, or policy modeling/design also useful. The candidate must have a demonstrated expertise in sustainability, with a particular emphasis on climate change


Minimum Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in city and regional planning, environmental policy, environmental engineering or related, plus six (6) years of related experience or demonstrated equivalency of experience and/or education

  • Experience consulting on adaptation planning essential, particularly policy and program design

  • Experience consulting on climate change vulnerability and risk assessments that consider an array of climate impacts, including sea level rise, precipitation, and temperature and development of adaptation strategies to reduce impacts

Preferred Qualifications

  • Master’s degree in a relevant field from an accredited university

  • Demonstrated knowledge of local government or corporate climate change/sustainability policy and program development

  • 6-10 years of experience at a planning consulting firm, or equivalent with demonstrated experience managing projects, conducting and/or overseeing analysis, and writing proposals and securing work; client management, experience managing a small team.

  • Excellent quantitative skills

  • Excellent project management skills

  • Detail-oriented: Strong sense of commitment, a willingness to learn more and a desire to work in a dynamic, deadline driven team environment

  • Excellent communication and writing skills are critical

Additional Information

  • Sponsorship is not available for this position

  • Project related travel may be required for this position

Program / Center Affiliation
Job Type