Senior Associate, Research and Foresight

The Senior Associate, Research and Foresight works in close collaboration with Research Department staff and others across APA departments to develop and coordinate projects related to APA's foresight practice and Upskill Planners Initiative, including conducting trend research, creating educational products, and connecting with partners and funders.

Chicago, IL

Duties and responsibilities

  • Assists Director of Research and Foresight in coordinating APA's foresight practice: supports APA's foresight practice through trend research; development of publications such as APA's Trend Report for Planners, Planning and Advisory Services (PAS) publications, and others; coordinates multidisciplinary foresight communities and other foresight-related projects; ideates and prototypes new processes for program.
  • Collaborates with project manager of APA's Upskill Planners initiative: develops and coordinates educational projects related to upskilling; conducts research on skills and knowledge gaps; creates educational products for planners (such as webinars, workshops, and trainings); ideates and prototypes new processes for new programs; and builds relationships with external subject matter experts and project partners.
  • Supports applied research projects, including literature review, primary research, case study research, and creating project deliverables.
  • Collaborates with Research Department staff to identify, develop, and submit grant proposals for projects related to APA Foresight and Upskill Planners initiative.
  • Collaborates with staff from other departments on efforts related to outreach, marketing, and others.
  • Contributes to and promotes communications about research products, programs, and services.
  • Presents at conferences, meetings, and other venues.
  • Assists the Research team in networking and developing ongoing relationships with a wide variety of partners and funders to advance APA strategic priorities.

Qualifications (Education and Experience)

  • Graduate or undergraduate degree in planning, social sciences, strategic foresight, or related fields (outside-the-box thinkers are encouraged to apply!).
  • Three to five years of research experience.
  • One to three years of experience in managing small-scale projects.
  • Ability to work in an agile work environment and interest in developing work processes for new programs.
  • Strong oral and written communication skills required.
  • Excellent organizational skills with the ability to coordinate multiple projects simultaneously needed.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office products required.

How to Apply

Submit a resume and cover letter to The following questions must be addressed in your letter to participate in the evaluation process:

  • Salary expectations
  • Provide a writing sample

APA Dynamic Office Environment

APA offers a dynamic work environment that brings those of us in the Chicagoland area together in person two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday. This time is used to rekindle relationships, build new ones and connect with each other formally and informally in a way we can't do online. The other three days can be worked remotely or in the office.

Program / Center Affiliation
Job Type