Senior Analyst - Planning

Brailsford & Dunlavey is seeking a dynamic senior analyst who will be based out of our Washington, DC office. 

Ambitious, diverse, multidisciplinary, entrepreneurial: these are all words that describe our team. But what ties B&D employees together is our excitement and passion for advising our college and university clients on how to best position their assets to derive maximum benefit for the organization. Whether interviewing students on a college campus, reviewing plans with architects during the design process, or touring a new facility we helped deliver, we are driven by our purpose to advance communities. It starts with our own B&D community; it starts with you.

We are searching for thinker-doers who are intellectually curious, self-motivated, and willing to take risks to advance their own professional development. As a member of the firm, you should be prepared to work directly with leaders in the industry, on highly visible projects, in a fast-paced environment. Your knowledge will be leveraged and expanded to execute strategic planning, market analyses, financial modeling, and an implementation plan to deliver outcomes-based results. Your work will directly enable our clients' actions to better provide for an organization’s key stakeholders—something we find to be meaningful and invigorating, and that we hope inspires you as well!


Brailsford & Dunlavey
Washington, DC

The primary focus of this position is to develop analytics and resulting synthesis to inform the project team’s advisement to college and university clients on the positioning of assets such as campus housing, intercollegiate athletic facilities, campus recreation centers, student unions, arenas, stadiums, campus edge developments, etc. to best leverage the long-term mission and vision of the organization.


Analytics include, but are not limited to, master planning activities, site analyses, needs assessments, program planning, financial modeling, and market analyses.


In collaboration with the Project Team, the senior analyst is responsible for managing internal project team meetings and resulting strategy sessions to ensure project milestones are met.  The senior analyst is typically the secondary management interface with the client, and is charged with effectively supporting the client relationship.


Other essential responsibilities include:

  1. Perform data collection and analysis (including research, focus group leading and reporting, in-person interviews, telephone interviews, survey design and analysis, space planning, financial modeling, and internet research) to gain market insights with purpose and precision. 
  2. Synthesize, translate and effectively communicate complicated information to prepare clients for effective decision-making. 
  3. Develop accurate and organized presentation decks, financial models and other project deliverables to support the team’s effective storytelling and development of recommendations, as well as the decision-making of institutions.
  4. Engage and collaborate with internal and external contacts to support the project team in critical thinking and the development of recommendations.
  5. Serve as the secondary client liaison, communicating effectively to ensure appropriate follow through.
  6. Participate in B&D's business development activities including the development of proposals, attending conferences, writing articles, and developing relationships with potential and current clients.
  7. Participate in and seek out professional development and coaching opportunities, including B&D’s mentor program.
  8. Deliver with quality control and client satisfaction activities specific to his/her assigned projects.
  9. Assists with the recruitment and training of new staff.
  10. Furthering the company's research and development efforts by identifying new analytical tools, strengthening existing models, and discovering improved ways of doing business.
  11. Perform other duties as assigned with the effort and skills necessary to contribute to our continued growth.


Supervisory Responsibilities

Informal coaching of an analyst or other junior staff is expected.


Minimum Requirements

  • Minimum of a bachelor's degree and three years’ experience in higher education / non-profit management, construction management, engineering, planning, business, real estate development / management, architecture or related field is required.
  • Must possess a valid driver’s license.
  • Must be willing and able to travel (independently by car, air, or train) weekly.


Technical Competencies

  • Foundational understanding of the firm's project types, project management concepts and methodologies, as well as general industry knowledge.
  • Comprehensive understanding of Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel (beyond beginner level), Outlook and PowerPoint.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in effectively developing and presenting a cohesive report in Microsoft Word and/or PowerPoint.
  • Resourcefulness in gathering and organizing data and information.

Core Competencies

  • Demonstrated ability to be productive in a fast-paced, multi-dimensional work environment, exemplifying grit and grace under pressure.
  • Proven adaptability, flexibility, and creativity.
  • Intellectually curious, with strong analytical and critical thinking abilities.
  • Demonstrated commitment to professionalism with a strong work ethic.
  • Demonstrated commitment to excellence and risk taking.
  • Aptitude and self-motivation for continuous learning, professional growth and development.
  • Demonstrated self-awareness and assertiveness.
  • Ability to work independently with minimum supervision, as well as collaboratively in a group setting.
  • Excellent oral, group facilitation, presentation and written communication skills.
  • Detail-oriented with excellent organizational and project management skills.
  • Familiarity with real estate, finance, and accounting principles.
  • Clear support for the firm's mission, values, and operating paradigm.


Job Type