Research Manager

We are seeking a highly driven Research Manager to design and implement Grounded Solutions Network’s research program, including documenting the prevalence and performance of Community Land Trusts, shared equity homeownership programs, and inclusionary housing policies as well as advancing evidence-based practice by the field. Grounded Solutions pursues
applied research that supports our goal to produce and preserve 1 million homes with lasting affordability over the next 10 years in a racially equitable way. The Manager will oversee all aspects of our research program, including prioritizing research needs, designing and leading initiatives, establishing and maintaining relationships with outside research institutions, and helping disseminate research results to diverse audiences.

The Research Manager reports to the Vice President of National Strategy and works closely with staff to support programmatic work and ensure that research work products are aligned with the needs of the field. Examples of recent reports are available through the Grounded Solutions Resource Library and Lincoln Institute.

Grounded Solutions Network

Key Tasks & Responsibilities:
1. Develop Strategy and Advance Thought Leadership (35%)

  • Establish research priorities and workplans in consultation with the VP of National Strategy and informed by key stakeholders.
  •  Raise the profile of the shared equity field and Grounded Solutions Network through publications, presentations, and media coverage.
  •  Translate research for staff and practitioners to use in fundraising, advocacy, training, technical resources, and communications.
  • Provide support and mentorship to students, other researchers, and national partners to vet data requests and align external research to our priorities, as well as cultivate future leaders in the field and a growing number of diverse researchers and institutions producing work or highlighting our field.
  •  Help to cultivate opportunities to support the long-term sustainability of the research program and contribute to fundraising related to research activities.

2. Manage Research Projects (60%)

  •  Conduct or manage large research projects and ongoing data collection.
  •  Working with the technology team, ensure accuracy, reliability, credibility, and integrity of research data for future research projects (including the ongoing development and maintenance of the National HomeKeeper Data Hub).
  •  Conduct database cleaning and management and contribute to data visualization.
  •  Provide databases and analysis to other GSN departments to advance their work, such as market analysis, needs assessments/housing trends, pulling data for national policy or member services, and mapping data (preferred but not required).
  •  Author reports, publications, and derivative articles and resources.

3. Be a Good Grounded Solutions Team Member (5%)

  •  Participate in team meetings, strategic planning initiatives, and related projects to effectively collaborate with other departments.

Grounded Solutions believes that our team should reflect, respect, and understand the diversity of backgrounds, identities, and experiences of the communities that we serve. We strongly encourage people of color, people of all gender identities, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ candidates to apply. Not sure if you meet all of the qualifications below? That is okay; if you are truly excited by this position, we encourage you to apply anyway! Studies have shown that men apply for jobs when they only meet 60% of the qualifications, but women only apply if they meet 100% of them.
Knowledge, skills and abilities

  •  6+ years of experience conducting applied empirical research or project management, including 2+ years of experience managing research projects or managing data and database systems with oversight of consultant researchers or graduate students.
  •  Strong track record of empirical publications and presentations.
  • Master's Degree in social science field (e.g. Urban Studies, Public Policy, Geography, Urban Planning, Real Estate, Community Development).
  •  Commitment to racial equity and interest in advancing racial justice through housing.
  • Knowledge of shared equity homeownership programs, inclusionary housing programs, or affordable housing and community development policies or programs.
  • Ability to think strategically, big-picture and long-term, about research as a means of informing policy and practice and advancing the mission and work of the organization.
  •  Highly organized, detail-oriented, and efficient systematic thinker who will be proactive, productive, and strategic working alone and in diverse groups.
  •  Ability to multi-task, prioritize, stay organized, and effectively project manage and coordinate with internal staff and external partners or stakeholders to advance multiple projects.
  •  Solid qualitative or quantitative empirical skills ranging from literature reviews to research design, methods, data cleaning and management, descriptive statistics, survey and interview design. Mapping skills and data visualization a plus (e.g. Tableau, ArcGIS/ESRI).
  •  Strong written and oral communication skills and data visualization skills, including the ability to author rigorous empirical reports/articles and translate complex research into accessible, shorter articles, presentations or graphics for various audiences.
  •  Familiarity with public data sources relevant to real estate and housing finance (e.g. US. Census, ACS, HMDA)
  • Ability to identify and cultivate funding opportunities and author proposals
  •  Proficiency in MS Office suite of applications (advanced Excel skills required)
  •  Tech-positive attitude and willingness to learn and adopt multiple technologies to support our work. Familiarity with Zoom, Dropbox, Asana, Salesforce, and Microsoft Teams a plus.@' �

How to Apply:
Please submit, as 1 document (PDF or word), a cover letter (highlighting qualifications, skills, interest in the position, and salary requirements), a resume, and an empirical writing sample here (e.g. journal article, literature review, research article or report)

Job Type