Research Analyst Intern

We are looking for a fun-loving individual who has a perfect blend of creativity and analytical prowess. Our business values smaller retailers and their owners. They contribute just as much (if not more) to the economic health of any place; with higher incomes and more tax revenue than their national competitors. We want someone who shares these values with a passionate attitude and deeply aligns with Our Why.


Washington, DC

You will be helping small businesses with socially and economically disadvantaged owners and in disadvantaged communities to gain equitable access to business resources. Your primary project will involve creating a toolkit that will better position disadvantaged small businesses to make better decisions when choosing how and where to position their brick and mortar operations.

Lastly, you will be billing us $25/hr. for your project. You will expect not to exceed $3000 total billed during the course of this work! Keep in mind other opportunities might arise.



About You

• You have experience using GIS, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (InDesign, Photoshop) and MS Excel.

• You consider yourself a detailed creator with an analytical mind.

• You have studied or been involved in real estate


• You are versed in or willing to learn how to structure a commercial lease and capital lease vs operating lease structure.

• You have experience gathering data from multiple sources and neatly compressing it into an engaging summary.

• Additionally, you are seeking your MA or MS and are interested in the economic development of traditionally underserved and underprivileged communities.



If you have decided that your work will be highly valuable to these business owners and that you will take the opportunity to truly impact several communities, shoot us an email to with whatever you think will make you stand out as a candidate

(e.g., resume, portfolio, a few great references)


Job Type