Recent Architecture Graduates

The root of Collaborative Design, is labor — and it takes work to work together. To design in sympathy with nature. Hand-in-hand with technology. Side by side, architect and client. Fortunately, it's a labor of love. So we observe. We listen. We bring ideas of our own. And when all are in agreement, we put pen to paper. That's how design becomes Collaborative Design.

There are places you work, and there are places you do great work. We recommend the latter. We are always on the lookout for people who share our passion for architecture, our commitment to innovation and service and our genuine collaborative spirit. If you're willing to work as a part of our team, we offer outstanding opportunities for growth and the chance to make a difference.

Our firm is seeking recent Architecture graduates to join our outstanding team in a full-time position. 

Collaborative Design Studio
Reno NV-Lake Tahoe Area

Interested applicants should submit their resumes directly to Peter at

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Job Type