Project Coordinator

At Soto, we believe that a successful practice of architecture must be courageous, transparent and continuously open to learning. Founded in 2014 around this powerful idea, Soto’s small firm culture creates opportunities to not only grow professionally, but also holistically - allowing our team members to bring their unique and diverse personalities to everything they do. We are excited to welcome the best and brightest new members to our team, who share our drive for great design and our passion toward community and environmental impact.

Washington, DC

A Project Coordinator at Soto is self-motivated, communicative and eager to learn. They have experience putting together design packages and documentation sets for a variety of project phases, ranging from conceptual design to construction documents. Responsibilities for the role of a Project Coordinator are those associated with daily project needs, including:

• daily communication, coordination, & meetings

• creating design visuals such as presentation deck, progress renderings & process sketches

• technical drawing sets for all phases (DDs, CDs, Permit, Bid)

• site visits & existing conditions surveys • researching, understanding & applying local & national building codes & requirements

• material research, product specifications & product schedules

• supporting coordination with multidisciplinary partners such as MEP & Structural

• supporting construction administration (RFI, submittal review)


The role of a Project Coordinator at Soto requires a candidate to have a minimum of 3-5 years of experience under the supervision of a US licensed architect working in the design industry (ideally in multifamily, commercial, or institutional building typologies).

The ideal candidate would hold a Masters Degree in Architecture or Urban Studies and have additional accreditations to align with their industry passions such as LEED, WELL, Passive House or other. (Please tell us about your complementing interests!)

Software proficiency in Revit and BlueBeam are critical at Soto. For the role of a Project Coordinator, it is highly recommended but not required to have additional experience and proficiency in supporting design tools such as SketchUp, AutoCad, Enscape and the Adobe Creative Suite, as well as administrative software such as MS office - all of which are used regularly in our project process.


Please email your resume, cover letter, and work samples to

Program / Center Affiliation
Job Type