Program Analyst

This position is in the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Performance Management Team and reports to the Autonomous Vehicle Manager. This team is responsible for the Department’s Autonomous Vehicles Program. They evaluate and assist with autonomous planning, operations, and policy to help the Department and individual teams achieve our autonomous objectives through data-driven process improvements. Also, this team ensures that policy and metrics are adequately measured, tracked, and reported and reflect the Agency’s autonomous programs, activities, and services.

This position will collaborate and coordinate with several Departments to include planning, policy, traffic safety and performance programs. This position will develop, track, and report all work management workflows, data analysis, policy reviews for the agency’s autonomous vehicle program, including coordination with external programs and agencies in the District of Columbia. The position also assists with the update and continual monitoring and reporting on the development of the agency’s autonomous vehicle plans, reports, work processes, departmental policies, and user experiences. The creation of these documents requires excellent communication and analytical skills.

Washington, DC
$77,649.00 - $99,323.00

Gathers and organizes information from a variety of sources such as records, computer files, previous studies, and interviews, analyses information to identify issues and isolate problems, develops solutions and measurements of productivity and effectiveness for use by others, develops detailed briefings and reports of findings and recommendations, and convinces others to implement recommendations. Assures program goals, objectives, and operations are realistic. Prepares internal instructions, operating policies, procedures, guidelines, etc., concerning assigned program (s) and recommends required changes and adjustments to assure proper and adequate accomplishment of major program goals and objectives.

Uses analytical and evaluative methods and techniques to assess program development or execution and improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Applies statistical methods and techniques to conduct appropriate program evaluation. Leverages complex fact-finding analytical and problem-solving methods and techniques to identify interrelated program problems, draw conclusions, and recommend appropriate actions or solutions to improve program efficiency and effectiveness. Employs Business Intelligence tools such as Tableau and ArcGIS to analyze and visualize Agency data. Communicates findings and process improvement recommendations through data visualization. Collaborates with the other team members, Information Technology, and other departments to develop system improvements and internal process improvements. Performs technical analysis of funding requests and funding availability by various work and improvement types, to include forecasting future funding. Track internal and regional issues, priorities, policies, and projects. Gathers and organize information in visual, oral, and written use by internal and external customers. Creates maps and other visual tools for use in describing DDOT’s investments, projects, and programs. Provides assistance with public outreach activities, including public forums and workshops.


Specialized Experience: Specialized experience is experience which is directly related to the position and has equipped the individual with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully perform the duties of the position.  To be creditable, at least one (1) year of specialized experience must have been equivalent to at least the next lower grade level in the normal line of progression. 

Prefer at least two years working experience where data analysis is part of routine job function in transportation planning, urban planning, policy, or other related field.

Four-year college degree (bachelor degree) preferred.

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