Product Manager

Texas A&M is looking for a solutions-oriented, tech-savvy, experienced Product Manager who wants to help communities in Texas and beyond be better prepared for natural disasters. We are looking for a tenacious problem solver who loves a challenge and is excited by the pace of startup located within a university setting. You’ll lead a cross-functional team conducting experiments to build consumer software that empower collaboration and help communities plan for safer, more resilient futures. The contributions will be felt directly by the communities using our products. Your empathy for the needs of our communities and end-users will keep you and the rest of the team focused on building practical, meaningful applications.

As a Product Manager at TAMU, you will be tasked with overseeing the development of an online, collaborative mapping application for the state of Texas, along with an end-to-end roadmap from ideation through to post-launch assessment and iteration. You’ll make the most impactful new features, analysis, and experiences come to life for our users. You’ll spearhead the product development and work with our cross-functional partners to make it all happen.

Our Houston-based program of 16+ staff is housed in the largest university-based community outreach agency in the nation. We are kicking off a significant multi-year effort to develop highly interactive applications to get into the hands of communities. You’ll be working in a mission-driven environment, alongside urban planners and geospatial analysts providing mapping tools and visualizations throughout the state. We look forward to hiring talented, experienced professionals who enjoy mission-driven work and making a difference in the communities we serve.

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Houston, TX


As a product manager at Texas A&M, you'll jump right into the role, learning our product vision and collaborating with other team members to deliver value to our clients and end users. Work with a small cross-functional team and partner closely with engineering, design, and internal stakeholders to find intuitive solutions to business and user challenges. As Product Owner on our agile scrum team you will:

  • Be an early team member, with the opportunity to guide our product, our culture, and the overall business;
  • Lead the end-to-end success of our product from discovery to launch;
  • Collaborate with the team to develop the product vision, strategy and roadmap;
  • Bring product vision, customer insights and feedback, and opportunities to the team setting the context of the why behind the work;
  • Define features and user stories in support of development activities;
  • Actively manage and prioritize product team backlog and evaluate changes and their impact to priorities;
  • Communicate status updates in a transparent manner with key stakeholders on a frequent basis;
  • Collaborate with external and internal stakeholders to effectively build, launch, commercialize and communicate new product features;
  • Own the features through the entire product development lifecycle;
  • Manage expectations across stakeholders, communicate prioritization and ROI, and surface any issues in a timely manner;
  • Drive and plan multiple projects simultaneously, and communicate status to partners and stakeholders;
  • Use your passion for technology and solving users problems to drive product outcomes;
  • Lead brainstorming sessions with key stakeholders to learn about client needs and identify product solutions;
  • Work with engineers to create stories in Jira and plan sprints.


  • At least 4 years in a product management role for a software company, non-profit or government agency;
  • Experience in urban and regional planning;
  • Experience working in the GIS industry, working on products that involve maps, handling geospatial data, and using data visualization to communicate ideas;
  • Familiarity with project management tools and working in an Agile environment, managing communication, prioritization of features, schedules, and releases;
  • Experience delivering products in iterative fashion, working closely with engineering teams in an Agile environment;
  • A keen sense for UI and UX;
  • You’re good at balancing details with big picture timing and impact;
  • Fearlessness and a comfort with uncertainty. You have an acumen for turning complex problems into actionable plans;
  • Are self-driven and have strong communication skills.

Please visit our website for information on how to apply.


Job Type