Principal Investigator

Hunter Research, Inc. is a full-service cultural resource management consulting firm headquartered in Trenton, New Jersey. The company offers in-house expertise in history, architectural history, archaeology (prehistoric, historical, industrial), material culture, historical/cultural geography, preservation planning, and historic interpretive exhibit development. Typical services include historical and archival research, reconnaissance and survey-level historic architectural and archaeological studies, and mitigation through HABS/HAER documentation, archaeological data recovery excavation, and monitoring, and other measures aimed at making the results of cultural resources investigations accessible to the local citizenry.


Hunter Research, Inc
Trenton, NJ
$65,000-$75,000 annually

Hunter Research, Inc. is accepting applications for the position of a senior-level cultural resources management professional. This position requires expertise in research, strong field investigative and writing skills, and a well developed understanding of historic preservation laws and regulations at the federal, state and local levels. Responsibilities include project management, proposal development, direction of research and fieldwork, and technical report writing.


Candidates should have at a minimum a Master’s Degree in Historic Preservation, Cultural Resources Management, Archaeology, Anthropology, American History or a related field, and at least five years of senior-level experience leading cultural resources or historic preservation projects.  Familiarity with government agencies, libraries and archives, and historic and archaeological resources in the Mid-Atlantic and New England states is a plus. Proficiency in writing and editing is essential. Computer proficiency in MS Office is required. Knowledge of ArcGIS and Adobe software is advantageous, as is experience using online historic and archaeological databases and research tools.


Send cover letter, resume, and writing sample (no more than 10 pages total) in pdf format to:

Patricia Madrigal, Vice President

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