Paid Public Policy Internship

Join Hyattsville Councilmember Joanne Waszczak as a paid public policy intern and gain valuable real-world experience with public service, policy issues, local government operations, stakeholder engagement, and collaborative leadership.

Hyattsville Councilmember
City of Hyattsville

ocal government faces, in microcosm, many of the same issues challenging us at the state, national and global levels: racial and socioeconomic justice, climate change, economic pressures, and resource constraints, to name a handful. Councilmember Waszczak prioritizes:

  • Community, equity and accessibility

  • Sustainability and resiliency

  • Engagement, transparency and accountability

  • Health and safety

In addition to gaining practical policy skills, the intern working with CM Waszczak will also have a front row seat to watch the City grapple with pressing issues of the day.


In addition to gaining practical policy skills, the intern working with CM Waszczak will also have a front row seat to watch the City grapple with pressing issues of the day.

The internship is paid and requires a commitment of 15 hours per week.

For more information and an application, please email Lissa Bell: 

Job Type