National Policy Director

The National Policy Director will help to design and lead the short-term and long-term policy agenda for the organization’s
priorities for federal legislation, regulations, policies, and programs, as well as strategies to increase access to real estate
and mortgage financing. Additionally—but secondarily—this position will identify emerging state legislative opportunities
that could result in scaling permanently affordable housing and provide support for coalitions and campaigns. The ideal
candidate will bring deep experience and a commitment to centering a racial equity lens in strategically advancing
innovative housing policy and advocacy solutions that reverse disparities and improve outcomes for communities of color.

Core Components
• Conducting federal and state legislative, regulatory, and policy analysis.
• Communicating with and mobilizing members and stakeholders on advocacy efforts, including writing policy briefs
and support materials for effective advocacy.
• Acting as the representative of Grounded Solutions in coalitions and cultivating strategic partnerships.
• Meeting with Congressional offices, federal agencies, public officials, and financial institutions for education and
• Promoting public awareness of the affordable housing models and solutions the organization represents and the
challenges faced by the shared equity housing field.

The National Policy Director must be able to work independently and collaboratively, have discerning judgement about
what should be raised to executive leadership, and—most of all—be driven to accomplish major policy wins for the field,
especially at the federal level. This position will work collaboratively with staff, our network members, partners, consultants,
and external stakeholders to foster relationships and lead effective partnerships focused on new and improved policies that
will increase access to resources at local, state, and national levels.

The National Policy Director will foster a positive organizational culture and be excellent at cross-department coordination.
This position reports to the VP of National Strategy and is a part of the organization’s senior leadership team. The Director
will not supervise internal staff, but they will be responsible for managing projects and consultants with minimal oversight.

Grounded Solutions Network
Washington, DC- Hybrid

Program and Strategy Development

• Establish short-term and long-term policy priorities and a multi-year policy agenda in consultation with executive
leadership and key stakeholders.
• Create and manage elements of the annual workplan and budget.
• Track congressional activity, partner communications, and media related to shared equity housing expansion goals and
federal policy priorities.
• Strategically build and maintain relationships with partners, Congress, federal agencies, etc. to advance legislation and
rule-making that scales the field.
• Design and implement strategies to increase effective member and stakeholder engagement in advocacy.
• Identify solutions and work in partnership and coalitions for issues impacting the permanently affordable housing field
and the broader affordable housing field related to federal programs, funding, and financing.
• Foster new opportunities and strategies to scale housing with lasting affordability, especially those that serve people of
color, and confer with the Senior Leadership Team and Executive Leadership about strategy and priorities

Program Implementation

• Track and analyze emerging legislation, proposed rules, regulations, and institutional policies to evaluate impact and
potential points of intervention and draft appropriate written products (e.g., draft bill proposals, public comments,
Congressional meeting protocols, policy briefs).
• Collect targeted data in coordination with the Research Department to meet requests of Congress, federal agencies, and
financial institutions.
• Meet with, present to, and establish relationships in Congressional offices and committees, federal agencies, financial
institutions, and other strategic partnerships to advance program agenda.
• Oversee of the content planning and implementation of organization’s Congressional Conference and other
Congressional office meetings (when applicable).
• Support members and field to engage in local and national advocacy; draft supportive materials, such as talking points,
fact sheets, and other resources.
• Partner with national organizations and participate in coalitions that advance our policy agenda and recommend what
the organization will endorse and what our members should be asked to participate in.
• Coordinate partnerships with the Government Sponsored Enterprises, lending institutions, and trade associations to
increase access to sound and competitive financing for shared equity homebuyers and for nonprofits to obtain needed
financing and funding.
• Support executive leadership in the pursuit or implementation of special projects aimed at scaling the field.
• Coordinate and collaborate across the organization to maximize the impact of policy work and the goals and priorities
of other departments.
• Contribute to thought leadership in the field through presentations, articles, reports, and media coverage.
• Measure and critically evaluate implementation activities and make recommendations for improvements.


Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

The ideal candidate will have 8+ years’ experience, preferably in affordable housing and federal programs, policy, and/or
government relations. This position is best suited to a person with excellent organizational, project, and time management
skills who is also a highly skilled writer, speaker, and presenter.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, Public Policy, Government Affairs, or a related field.
  • Strong knowledge of many HUD programs, especially HOME and CDBG, and the housing finance system (e.g., FHA,

VA, USDA, FHFA and the GSEs).

  • Deep understanding of how systemic racism has shaped and continues to shape local, state, and federal housing policy

and community development.

  • Experience with both federal legislative and rule-making processes; Congressional staff experience preferred.
  • Basic knowledge of shared equity homeownership or community land trusts.
  • Highly organized, structured and detail oriented. Able to self-manage with minimal supervision.
  • Strong analytic and strategic oral and written communication skills, including (but not limited to) the ability to shape bipartisan messages, balance evidence- and advocacy-based rationales, and craft tone, style, and content for various audiences.

  • Proven ability to analyze, and formulate implications of/responses to federal legislation, rules, policies, etc.

  •  Strong ability to build relationships and trust amongst various audiences and stakeholders.

  • Proven ability to work successfully in self-directed environments to strategically advance policy goals.

  • Demonstrated ability to effectively project manage and manage independent consultants.

  • Proven ability to prioritize and concurrently make progress on detail-oriented work, large-scale projects, team-based assignments, and long-term objectives.

  • Ability to work and communicate in diverse communities.

  • Proficiency in MS Office Suite & tech friendly.


If you are interested in this exceptional opportunity, please submit a detailed resume immediately to:

Ernest Barefield
Phone: (813) 986-4441 ext. 7127

Should you have any questions in consideration of your own interest, or a referral of a colleague, please contact us at the number above.

Please read the pdf attached to read more about the job.

Job Type