Historic Preservation Student Scholar

Are you seeking a unique opportunity to work with experienced professionals with the American Planning Association Urban Design and Preservation Division and National Trust for Historic Preservation to explore the intersection of planning, preservation, and change? Are you interested in investigating the relationship between housing, density, affordability, and historic preservation?

The APA Urban Design and Preservation Division seeks a student scholar to work with its newly formed Historic Preservation Committee for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Program Basics

  • This year’s Historic Preservation Scholarship will span eight months, from September 2023 to May 2024.
  • This year's focus will be providing staff support for the Division’s Historic Preservation Committee, organizing panels and webinars, and writing short articles for the Division newsletter, website, and other publications.
  • Scholar will receive an anticipated stipend of up to $2500. The final amount will be determined at the time of selection based upon scholar availability, and final tasks and projects.
  • Scholar will be highlighted in our Division Newsletter and APA web page.
  • Our Division’s Historic Preservation Chair and Student Scholar Director will supervise the scholar.
American Planning Association (APA)
  • Work with the Historic Preservation Committee Chair to support the Committee’s work (set agenda, logistics, meeting summaries, and follow-up)
  • Assist with scoping and organizing the Division’s National Trust for Historic Preservation PastForward and APA National Planning Conferences Housing and Preservation panel sessions.
  • Organize follow-up webinars presented by the APA Historic Preservation Committee in partnership with the National Trust for Historic Preservation and other organizations.
  • Prepare short articles based on the findings of Division-sponsored webinars and conference panels for the Division’s newsletter, website, and other publications.
  • Assist the Historic Preservation Committee in developing its long-term work program and research agenda by conducting initial research and preparing draft scopes.
  • Time permitting: Outline the content, conduct interviews, and produce a short video, “What is Preservation Planning?” for students and emerging preservation planning professionals.


  • Applicant must be a current student in a field related to urban planning, urban design, or historic preservation. We seek scholars interested in the relationship between historic preservation and housing (affordability, density, infill, and design).
  • Applicant must be a member of the APA’s Urban Design and Preservation Division or be willing to become a member (no cost) before beginning the scholarship.
  • Applicant must be able to commit an average of 1 to 3 hours a week and attend virtual monthly Historic Preservation Committee meetings.



  • Strong written, verbal, analytical, and organizational skills
  • Willingness to work with experienced historic preservation and urban planning professionals, organize professional panels and webinars, prepare key findings of panels and webinars, write high-quality articles ready for publication, and conduct interviews professionally.
  • Academic and professional interest in historic preservation and housing issues.
  • Research and data analysis skills using identified and published sources and summarizing key findings to share with the Committee and other groups.
  • Ability to work independently after given basic guidance on tasks

The following should be sent in one email message to Alicia Berg, Chair, Historic Preservation Committee, aliciaberg@uchicago.edu, by August 18, 2023:

  • Resume or CV
  • Personal Statement (max. 300 words) – Outline your academic focus, your interest in urban design/preservation, and your reasons for wanting to work with the UDP Historic Preservation Committee
  • Within the Personal Statement, explain your experience working with historic preservation and urban planning professionals, participating in and organizing committees, writing planning documents, and preparing short articles for the public, and your familiarity with and professional interest in historic preservation and housing issues. This could include links to websites or projects to show your work.
  • Portfolio – Provide a sample of your written work (e.g., research paper, urban design/planning studio project, publication, graphics, etc.).
  • Name and contact information for two references. (No letters are needed for the initial application.) Ideally, references should be able to speak to your interest in urban planning and/or preservation and your fit with the tasks and desired qualifications outlined above.
  • Letter from your school (or other official documentation such as an email from your department chair or academic advisor) confirming you will be enrolled in a planning-related program during the Fall and Spring 2023-4 terms. The letter or official confirmation should be submitted with your application (if possible); or must be received by September 1, 2023, before being selected for the fellowship.
Job Type