Historic Preservation – Historical Architect

This paid, professional internship will provide training and experience in cultural resource management
in the NPS across an eight-state region of the west: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Utah,
Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. Incumbents are expected to understand history as it applies to
architecture and landscape architecture through time as you will be working directly with buildings,
structures, and landscape features, both in a database and in the field.

Anticipated dates: October 2021 – October 2022
Compensation: Weekly stipend, housing stipend, travel and relocation allowances; health insurance and
AmeriCorps education award eligible.
Main Area of Focus: Cultural Resource Management

National Park Service
Santa Fe, NM

• Conduct archival research and write site context histories.
• Read and understand existing documentation for cultural landscapes.
• Identify and correctly describe and document architectural features of cultural resources.
• Prepare materials for data collection in the field, which may include helping organize a
• Carry out assessments on the condition of cultural resources at several national park units.
• Post-process field information and enter it into an NPS database.\



• 21 and over
• Bachelor’s degree or higher in historic preservation, landscape architecture, architecture,
cultural geography, historic archeology, public history or related field.
• Knowledge of the National Historic Preservation Act, National Register of Historic Places, and
other law, policy, and practice pertaining to historic preservation in the United States
• Understanding of MS Office products (required), Adobe products (preferred), and GIS
• Able to relocate to Santa Fe, NM for duration of the internship, and travel to parks as assigned
to carry out projects.
• Detail-oriented and can work well in teams or individually; receptive to feedback.


Link to application:


To apply, please submit written responses in the Education fields and attach resume. You do not need to
fill out the Education Detail and Skills & Interests Details areas.

Program / Center Affiliation
Job Type