Fall 2022 Urban Planning Internship

Internship Details
• Paid: $23 per hour
• Part-time: 16 - 24 hours per week
• Virtual / remote: Candidates based in NYC or DC preferred
• Qualifications: Current graduate or undergraduate (3rd or 4th year) students
studying urban and regional planning, geography, economics, real estate,
urban design, computer science, policy, data science

Internship Description
Interns will engage a range of planning disciplines, including strategic planning,
master planning, school planning, community engagement, spatial analysis,
economic development, sustainability, resiliency, and mobility. The role requires
performing research, analysis, and writing tasks, developing visual materials,
and engaging in discussions related to the studio’s ongoing work and initiatives.
Candidates may have an analytical focus, or a graphics production and
engagement focus (see skills section below).

• Required

Strong written & verbal communication
Data, analytical research, and mapping (ArcMap or QGIS) skills
Fluency with Adobe CC tools (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop)
Ability to work both independently and collaboratively, and to successfully
manage multiple projects
• Preferred - Analytical Focus
Experience with javascript and/or python, particularly with web mapping
• Preferred - Graphics and Engagement Focus
Presentation, report, and/or graphics development
Experience and interest in community-based planning, virtual engagement,
data visualization and communication

Who we are
WXY is a multi-disciplinary practice. We are planners, urban designers, architects,
data analysts, strategists and creative problem solvers. No matter the size, we
tackle problems and find solutions. We work to understand a context, and plan
with community in mind. We challenge ourselves to face the array of complex
problems and commit to solutions that support a healthy and sustainable future.

New York, NY 10007
Program / Center Affiliation
Job Type