Director of Architecture


The Director of Architecture will be a leader in the Urban Design team. Streetsense believes that our strategic and consulting efforts in Place Strategy require a high level of architectural design expertise, in collaboration with other disciplines that make our solutions uniquely holistic.

Architecture and wayfinding is an integral part of our Urban Design projects, requiring project designers, project architects, project managers, and others in the design and documentation of place-based environments. Our projects typically begin with strategic planning and conceptual design and in some cases will go through Design Development. A few key projects where our design relies on detailed excellence in execution may require oversight of separately contracted Architects of Record who finalize CDs and CA. Project types include major urban design districts, multi-building complexes, retail shell buildings, repositioning, and storefronts; office and mixed-use building repositioning; coordination of public spaces and landscape architecture; and site signage/wayfinding. Experience in retail, mixed-use, multi-family residential and office uses is highly recommended. Manages all aspects of team efforts – including excellent quality of project work, staffing, operations, and business development. Strong and passionate leader committed to overall team success, evolution, and creative innovation. This role is also expected to have excellent communication skills including in initial client pitches through inspirational communication of design solutions. The position requires a collaborative style and approach since the solutions to our projects involve insights from multiple teams and disciplines Planning, Real Estate Strategy, Branding, and Research & Analysis, and Eat & Drink, among others.

Bethesda, MD

• Successful design leadership and management of both projects and teams

• Build collaboration and mentorship within the studio • Leads mentorship and development components of team staff

• Manage a project for success - including client satisfaction, financial metrics, business development potential

• Client point of contact, able to make recommendations with respect for both client goals and team impacts

• Interface with project direction/management on creation and maintenance of project metrics and parameters such as fees, schedules, etc

• Participate in business development activities, including marketing efforts, proposals, and interviews

• Directs and effectively delegates project work to senior designers and managers, while ensuring highest levels of quality

• Ready to "roll up your sleeves" and be involved in the work with the team

• Work with other Streetsense teams to seek opportunities that continue to evolve the practice and create more value to services

• Effectively conveys work and progress to company leadership to continue to grow and thrive as a practice


• Bachelor/Master Degree in Architecture from CIDA or NAAB-accredited program

• Currently licensed/registered architect

• 15 years of post-graduate experience in the architecture industry and beyond, leading projects, people and studios through complex creative work and growth in new markets and locations

• Effective verbal and written communication skills, including hand drafting/sketching skills for "on the spot" discussions with clients and teams

• Self-directed, motivated, professional and able to contribute & participate in a highly collaborative team environment

• Experienced in blending a high level of creativity with practical solutions

• Excellence in leading and/or managing operational aspects of the entire team

• Able to thing through extremely complex issues and provide recommendations and solutions to our clients • Proficiency and/or understanding of Revit or relevant BIM software required

Program / Center Affiliation
Job Type