Designer - Architecture


At SOM, we are a collective committed to shaping a better future for our clients, communities and planet. We aspire to create the most sustainable, impactful work through creative, interdisciplinary teams with all the resources and diversity of a global firm. We value those who are passionate about excellence, innovation, integrity, inclusivity, and collaboration. Together we can achieve great things. Success at SOM Means

• Ideas: We believe in a meritocracy of ideas. We look to everyone to actively contribute to the discourse in the firm.

• Knowledge: We believe that expertise is the result of lifelong learning. We are not expected to know everything, but rather to passionately pursue answers, develop new skills and deepen our knowledge.

• Product: We strive for excellence in the concept, quality, and delivery of our work.

• Individual: We value individuals who bring the highest standards of professionalism and personal integrity in the way they work. Each person can develop and contribute their wealth of attributes, skills and knowledge to support the overall health of the firm.

• Team: We value the power of interdisciplinary integration. A positive team culture in which everyone collaborates openly towards common goals is essential.

• Firm: We have a history of making transformative contributions to the profession and our communities. We are constantly innovating and attempting to bring new approaches, solutions and processes to our work.

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
Washington, DC

Position Responsibilities

• Actively leads distinct portions of a project with periodic supervision by Project Leadership. Exhibits initiative, process innovation, problem solving, and decision quality with a high attention to precision and accuracy at an overall project level.

• Produces, coordinates and/or oversees presentation and contract deliverables such as diagrams, 3D models, drawings, renderings, physical models and animations.

• Effectively communicates internally with project teams and externally with consultants and clients through timely and appropriate written, oral, and visual means.

• Creates and innovates with a strong conceptual design ability. Integrates interdisciplinary criteria to effectively move forward the design of distinct portions of projects.

• Actively collaborates at a project, consultant team, and client team level by critically and constructively evaluating ideas. Contributes to and actively participates within the studio and office.

• Demonstrates an intermediate understanding of building materials, systems, specifications, codes, details and construction techniques. Is able to enrich design concepts through technical strategies. Identifies and effectively uses appropriate tools to design and document at all project phases.

• Manages time and workload of own work efforts and those of others to meet project task deadlines and commitments, with occasional interaction and direction from Project Leadership. Guides and teaches less experienced staff. Leadership Responsibilities

• Inspires and leads others by example, participates in staff mentoring and training, clearly defines team member expectations and responsibilities, empowers others, and delegates where appropriate based on team members' recognized abilities and potential.

• In collaboration with team members, contributes to a clear and consistent work plan to achieve the project budget, deliverables, and schedule.

• Actively engages in internal professional development opportunities.

• Contributes to the implementation of sustainable strategies in all project assignments and the associated development of staff knowledge.

• Contributes to the development of standards, policies, and procedures.

• Protects SOM from financial and legal risk.



Minimum Qualifications

• Completion of a professional degree in Architecture or a related field.

• Minimum 4 years of professional experience or equivalent knowledge, skills and abilities.

• Professional licensure process is close to completion; LEED accreditation preferred.

• Strong verbal and written communication skills.

• Demonstrates proficiency in Revit, AutoCAD, Rhino, parametric and rendering software, and Adobe Suite.

• Proficiency in Google Workspace.


For more about SOM:

Portfolios must be submitted for all design positions (Architecture, Interiors, Planning, etc). Applications without work samples will not be reviewed. Portfolios should be one PDF attachment, 10-20 pages, maximum 5 MB. Submit portfolios as part of your application in the section where the application asks you for your Resume or CV

Program / Center Affiliation
Job Type