Architectural Historian 2

Function of Work:
To manage one or more of a wide variety of state and federally mandated programs in the Division of Historic Preservation which are designed to identify, recognize and preserve historic buildings, districts and places in Louisiana.

State of Louisiana
Baton Rouge, LA
Examples of Work

Maintains federally mandated historic buildings survey and inventory program in which every building over 50 years old is photographed and recorded. Reviews 3,000 to 5,000 inventory forms annually, which are submitted by contract surveyors, and grants or withholds approval based upon accuracy and the proper assessment of each building.

Oversees the maintenance of the Division's comprehensive statewide survey program database, manages data entry, approves entry work and coordinates with the Information Services Division to place the material on the Department's Internet website on an on-going basis. Reviews approximately 3,000 federally licensed or assisted projects annually for their impact on historic buildings, districts and places. Assesses whether impacted properties may be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places by applying established federal guidelines. Assesses potential adverse impacts using the federally mandated Criteria of Adverse Effect. Negotiates with a wide variety of federal agencies to develop written agreement packages to avoid or mitigate those adverse impacts.

Prepares federal nomination forms for placing historic properties in the National Register of Historic Places. This includes historical research in primary and secondary sources, technical inspection of properties to determine approximate age and historic and non-historic alterations, and assessment of architectural or historical significance according to the broad scope of American history as interpreted under federal guidelines. It also includes 35mm photography and map preparation. The incumbent argues the case for each candidate property's National Register eligibility before the state appointed review commission at quarterly public hearings, shepherding the nomination through the review process. The incumbent also facilitates the subsequent federal review of the final nomination documents.

Manages Louisiana's historic preservation federal tax certification program with approximately $50 million annually in private investment in historic restoration projects. Interprets federal standards for renovation/restoration practice and negotiates with architects, owners, and developers to bring a wide variety of projects into compliance. Facilitates final federal approval of tax credit projects in Louisiana.

Implements one or more aspects of the Main Street historic downtown revitalization program by training historic district commissioners in restoration practice, recruiting new businesses to historic properties, promoting historic centers and enhancing sustainability of historic downtowns by fostering economic viability.

Reviews and approves proposed texts for State Highway Historic Markers. Negotiates with applicants to amend texts as needed to conform to historical accuracy and assists with research carried on by applicant organizations.

Prepares articles for professional and popular publications on matters involving historic preservation, building restoration and the various office programs. Text will be revised by supervisor.

Administers historic preservation grants-in-aid for a wide variety of projects including but not limited to: Construction/restoration, survey and inventory, Main Street program facade improvement grants, feasibility studies, and heritage education.


A baccalaureate degree in architecture, architectural history, historic preservation, art history, history, planning, urban studies, cultural resource management, museum studies, fine arts, interior design, materials conservation, community development, environmental science or geography with a concentration in geographic information systems (GIS), plus two years of professional level experience in architecture, architectural history, art history, history, urban or regional planning, cultural resource management, museum studies, fine arts, interior design, materials conservation, historic preservation, community development, environmental science, sustainable real estate development, or geographic information systems (GIS).

A master's degree in architecture, architectural history, historic preservation, art history, history, planning, urban studies, cultural resource management, museum studies, fine arts, interior design, materials conservation, community development, environmental science, sustainable real estate development, or geography with a concentration in geographic information systems (GIS) will substitute for one year of the required experience.

A geographic information systems (GIS) certificate from an accredited program will substitute for one year of the required experience.

A licensed Architect practicing for at least one year will substitute for one year of the required experience.

A master's degree in any field with a Certification in Historic Preservation will substitute for one year of the required experience.

Advanced degrees and certification will substitute for a maximum of one year of the required experience.

Program / Center Affiliation