2022 Green Fellows Leadership and Development Program

DOEE is the leading authority on energy and environmental issues affecting the District of Columbia. Using a combination of regulations, outreach, education, and incentives, our agency administers programs and services to fulfill our mission. We work collaboratively with other government agencies, residents, businesses, and institutions to promote environmentally responsible behavior that will lead to a more sustainable urban environment.

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for the residents and natural inhabitants of the nation’s capital by protecting and restoring the environment, conserving our natural resources, mitigating pollution, increasing access to clean and renewable energy, and educating the public on ways to secure a sustainable future. The agency’s core responsibilities include, but are not limited to, enforcing environmental regulations; monitoring and assessing environmental risks; developing energy and environmental policies; issuing permits; and providing residents and local businesses with funding, technical assistance, and information on initiatives designed to ensure a more resilient and sustainable city. We perform all agency mission activities with the highest integrity to uphold the public trust. more about DOEE.

In Fall 2015, DOEE proudly launched the Green Fellows Leadership and Development Program in the fields of energy and environment. This Fellowship is a competitive paid opportunity designed for graduate-level students who are currently enrolled in a Master's degree study program. Candidates must either attend a local-area higher education institutions and/or be a District resident. The Program is both a career exploration and pipeline program for students interested in job placement at DOEE, however, placement opportunities are not guaranteed. DOEE offers a flexible Fellowship and Fellows may work up to 36 hours per week/ 72 hours per pay period. Fellows are recruited at a Grade 7/ Step 1 and participation in the Program is considered a temporary “time-limited” appointment in the Career Service position. Read more about DOEE' s Agency Offices and Divisions. Fellowship opportunities may be available in DOEE's six administrations.

DOEE encourages applicants pursuing studies in public policy, public administration, urban planning, sustainability, energy or related fields to apply. Green Fellows are responsible for research, program and policy development, and act as project management leads on high-profile agency projects. Green Fellows perform a variety of assignments designed specifically to enhance their public service values, environmental knowledge, critical leadership skills, and project management abilities. Fellows will have several opportunities to come together with their cohort to participate in cross-disciplinary and professional development trainings, collaborative group projects, field work, volunteerism, field trips, and other value-added opportunities. Fellows are connected to a program area which matches their unique skill-set, background, expertise and interests.

Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE)
Washington, DC

Program Requirements

  • Be able to commit to a fellowship period of up to 9 months
  • Complete a 3 day orientation (1 day with DCHR; 2 days with DOEE)
  • Attend training, networking and professional and development opportunities
  • Participate in volunteer opportunities and support DOEE flagship events
  • Work with the cohort on a collaborative project which will result in a final presentation
  • Attend 80% of DOEE educational sessions
  • Successful performance reviews (mid-year and end-of-year)

Inquiries may be sent to the Program Coordinator, Larissa Etwaroo-Bako, at larissa.etwaroo@dc.gov. Applications for Green Fellows will open in November 2021. Green Fellows will officially start their Fellowship in  January 2022. Join us on twitter and facebook for updates.

Program / Center Affiliation
Job Type