Berkeley County, WV Public Service Sewer District Stormwater Financing Feasibility Study

Berkeley County

The EFC worked collaboratively with Berkeley County, West Virginia, to conduct a stormwater financing feasibility study. Berkeley County lies in the Potomac River watershed and, at the time of this study, was the only county in West Virginia to hold a stormwater MS4 permit. Under the County’s MS4 permit, the Berkeley County Public Service Sewer District (PSSD) is required to develop a stormwater management program to reduce stormwater from discharging in receiving waters.  The project was supported by National Fish & Wildlife Foundation’s Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund Technical Capacity Grant Program and enabled the EFC to work with the County and PSSD to identify opportunities to coordinate in order to more adequately and proactively address stormwater issues and develop a robust stormwater program budget and financing strategy for the community. The final report is the culmination of all activities and recommendations developed by the EFC to support the community’s stormwater management program.

Publication Date
July 2015
Program / Center Affiliation