Certificate in Urban Design

The Certificate in Urban Design offers to graduate students enrolled in the Master of Architecture the opportunity to be graduated with added expertise and enhanced credentials in urban design.

The program provides instruction and certification in the emerging discipline of urban design. Although not a separate degree program, the curriculum offers courses in urban design and related subjects with a strong emphasis in the design studio experience. Its existence complements the professional and post-professional degree program and is comprised of courses currently offered at College Park.


Program Notes

The Certificate Program in Urban Design is open to any graduate student enrolled in the Master of Architecture degree program.

The offerings are divided into three areas of concentration: design studio, history and theory courses, and case study/seminar courses. These offerings are from existing Architecture Program course offerings, although students are also encouraged to take courses outside of the school in other departments on campus or in other universities. Currently many courses related to the study of urbanism exist in many departments across the campus. Students are encouraged to explore opportunities for related study in Urban Studies and Planning, Real Estate Development, Law, History, American Studies, Public Affairs, Geography, Landscape Architecture and related departments.

The Certificate Program in Urban Design has a Faculty Advisor, who is responsible for approving each candidate’s curriculum, including all electives.

Admission Requirements

The Certificate program is limited to students with substantive experience in architectural design. Therefore, this program is restricted to students who have matriculated into the Master of Architecture professional degree program.

The program requires the successful completion of 21 credit hours from an approved list of courses. No more than six (6) of the 21 credits required may be at the 400 level. Acceptable graduate credits earned at the University of Maryland prior to admission into the Urban Design Certificate Program may be applied toward the certificate; however, no more than six (6) credits may be transferred from another institution. The Faculty Advisor will review transfer credit and forward a recommendation to the office of the Associate Dean.

Master of Architecture candidates are required to successfully complete one urban design studio. Path A students, individuals enrolled in the 4 semester Master of Architecture program, are required to take ARCH700. Path B students, individuals enrolled in the 7 semester Master of Architecture program, are required to take ARCH407.

Post-professional M.S. in Architecture students are asked to complete the 12-credit thesis/pro-thesis sequence (ARCH797 and ARCH798 / ARCH799) in addition to the 21 credits that the program requires. 

Application Requirements

Apply via the graduate application website.


Read the latest instructions. When prompted, put in the four letter code that identifies the program for which you are applying.

The online code for the Certificate Program is Z012.

Contact Matthew Bell