Creative Placemaking Symposium: Art and Design as Civic Action

A woman in a hat and two other panelists talking , Illustration of creative placemaking. People on ladders building large puzzles; leaves and trees in the background and a hot air balloon pulling a "Creative Placemaking" sign. , People in an auditorium and a girl with bright pink hair and sweater stands out

In celebration of the University of Maryland’s new

Purple Line Equitable Transit Oriented Development Strategy Report Release

Public event for interested Purple Line stakeholders

Join us for the release of a comprehensive set of strategies to drive equitable deve

The 21st Century Comprehensive Plan Lecture Series

Planning practice is changing dramatically to address the need for more sustainable, resilient, and equitable communities.

Info Session: Cuba Winter 2023 Study Abroad

The info session will cover a range of topics pertaining to the winter course abroad.

Inaugural Pioneers Endowed Scholarship Fuels the Passion of a Remarkable Student

If the road to architecture licensure is a marathon, by all accounts, Maria Farieta is making incredible time.

Experiential-based Courses Added to MAPP’s 2022-23 Roster

A community-led studio this fall rooted in restorative justice will devise possible futures for the historically Black Coll

EFC Guest Editor and Contributor of Resilience-Focused MML Magazine

Check out Resilience - the third and final climate-focused installment in Municipal Maryland.