Two 2nd Place Winners in Annual GRAD Event

Apr 12, 2019 / Updated May 4, 2020

Grad Awards, Frank Zou and Grave Davenport.
Image Caption
Left image, center: Zhenpeng (Frank) Zou. Grace Davenport right image.

Two MAPP students are among 16 winners out of a field of 123 graduate presenters, in the annual Graduate Research Appreciation Day (GRAD), which took place on April 3, 2019. GRAD is a research event organized by Graduate Student Government (GSG) for all graduate students that aims to recognize and appreciate the excellence of students’ research by fostering a healthy competing environment.

MAPP’s winning students both placed second in their respective areas and each received a $300 travel award.

Zhenpeng (Frank) Zou, a Ph.D. student in Urban and Regional Planning and Design, won second place with his project "Move on Scooters: Understand How Social & Built Environments Impact Scooter Share Usage in Washington D.C."

Grace Davenport, a first year student in the Master of Historic Preservation program, won second place with her project "A Comparison of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Stations' Economic Influence and Change of Use Over Time."

The GRAD event provides a conference-style venue where graduate students from all academic backgrounds can share their research or work, obtain valuable faculty and peer feedback and hone their communication skills. It fosters healthy competition by recognizing and awarding the best presentations from the subject-themed oral, poster and elevator-speech presentation sessions, among others. The GSG encourages the submission of a summary of work from graduate students in any program (including Master's, Professional and Ph.D. students), in any discipline.