Urban Resilience Intern

The ULI Urban Resilience program is seeking an intern to support research and technical assistance projects focused on enhancing climate resilience and addressing issues related to the built environment, real estate markets, and the land use policy sector. The position is part-time, paid, and virtual for spring 2021. Please apply by Friday, March 5th.

Urban Land Institute

The intern’s workload will include a combination of the following: - Providing research, writing, editing, and image selection support for research projects, including support of a case study library of real estate development projects featuring resilient design, Developing Urban Resilience (developingresilience.uli.org). - Providing background research on the local land use policies, market contexts, and planning initiatives in communities where the Urban Resilience program is working. - Providing background research, outreach, and coordination assistance for Urban Resilience events hosted by ULI and the ULI District Council Network. - Developing or supporting the development of marketing materials, website content, and PowerPoint presentations. - Assisting with some administrative tasks.


Strong candidates will be undergraduate or graduate students in a sustainability, resilience, real estate, urban planning, or other related topic. - Previous internship or work experience desired. - General knowledge of and an interest in real estate and land use policy. - Specific knowledge of and an interest in topics related to resilience, such as climate change, resilient design, coastal management, and green infrastructure. - Willingness to work independently on research projects. - Excellent research, writing, and editing skills. - Strong project management and organizational skills. - Ability to work in a fast-paced, virtual environment. - Collaborative approach for a team-oriented workplace.


Please submit a résumé and a letter of interest. Apply here: https://americas.uli.org/intern-urban-resilience-2/

Job Type