The EFC supported the Central Kenilworth Avenue Revitalization Community Development Corporation (CKAR) in conducting targeted outreach to the Latino community in the Greater Riverdale Area. The goal of the project was to assess community needs and then develop tailored outreach focused on family and community health and wellbeing. As a project partner, EFC provided CKAR with technical expertise in strategy development, focus group and interview design, data analysis and synthesis, and development of messaging and communications delivery mechanisms.
The CKAR team conducted a bilingual Spanish-English field survey of more than 1,000 members of the Latino community in the Greater Riverdale Area from February through June 2021. According to respondents, the top three challenges facing the Latino community include:
- Finances, such as housing costs and quality and lack of employment opportunities;
- Safety, including traffic, crime, and gang-related activity; and
- Lack of access to medical care, particularly COVID testing.