White Clay Creek Multi-Municipal Stormwater Collaboration

Beginning in the spring of 2016, White Clay Creek Watershed Association, through its Wild and Scenic River Program, began working with the municipalities in the Pennsylvania section of the watershed to support their development of permit applications under the state’s revised municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) program. Because the entirety of the watershed’s streams are listed as impaired under the Clean Water Act, each municipality is required to apply for an individual permit. And because the impairments have been addressed through a sediment and nutrient total maximum daily load (TMDL), the permit application requires a plan demonstrating how the municipality will address its TMDL obligations. Some of the municipalities are new to the individual permit part of the MS4 program and most of them do not have significant resources to support development and implementation of stormwater best management practices. The EFC is supporting the municipalities as they consider a collaborative structure to address aspects of the permit application and implementation process so as to better access needed resources and build capacity. 


White Clay Creek Watershed Association 

White Clay Creek Wild and Scenic River Program 


National Park Services

Wild and Scenic Rivers Partnership Program 

Team Members

Program / Center Affiliation

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