Certificate in Historic Preservation

The Certificate in Historic Preservation is a 16 or 17-credit program consisting of four required courses and two electives from the student’s home degree program, chosen in consultation with the HISP advisor.

The certificate gives students obtaining degrees in related and/or affiliate programs the opportunity to become conversant with historic preservation history, methodology, current issues, and contemporary practice and to have that credential on their official university transcript.

Note: The Certificate in Historic Preservation is available only to students already enrolled in a graduate degree program at the University of Maryland College Park.

Application Requirements

Apply via the graduate application website.


Read the latest instructions. When prompted, put in the four letter code that identifies the program for which you are applying.

The online code for the Certificate Program is Z005.


All qualified students (already enrolled in a graduate program at UMD) need to contact the historic preservation program director for permission.


Current UMD graduate students are eligible to apply to the certificate on a rolling basis. Contact the program director for additional information and to set up an advising meeting.

Tuition and Fees

For current tuition and fees, please visit the Student Financial Services and Cashiering website.


To view current course offerings visit Testudo; for more detailed information on courses, please visit University of Maryland's Undergraduate and Graduate Course Catalog.



Contact the HISP Team