Competitive Scholarships for Current Students in the Architecture Program

MAPP is pleased to announce the opening of applications for Competitive Scholarships for Continuing Degree-seeking Students in the Architecture Program. This awards program replaces the former Merit Scholarship program, which only considered student GPA.

The architecture program has certain endowed scholarships that recognize extraordinary achievements of students. These scholarship funds are available on a competitive basis. Follow the steps below to apply for this category of scholarship funding.

Scholarships are awarded based upon student performance and student authored personal statements. 

To be eligible for this category of scholarship students must:

  • be a student in good standing in the Architecture Program (2.0 GPA for undergraduates / 3.0 GPA for graduates);
  • be enrolled as a full-time degree-seeking student in the undergraduate or graduate program in Architecture during the upcoming fall semester
  • have minimally completed either ARCH 400 or ARCH 404 by the end of the spring semester in which applications are solicited.

Deadlines for submission of this form and the supporting documents is end of July.

A committee of Architecture Program faculty members will review applications and select award recipients.

Award recipients are notified in late August / early September of the upcoming academic year. Funds are deposited directly to the student's bursar account.

You will be asked to write a brief personal statement as part of the application. In the statement, you should provide a rationale for awarding scholarship funds to you. You will be asked to indicate any mitigating circumstances, such as overcoming weak performance in your initial years in college, unique challenges, extraordinary achievements, service to the community, program, school, and/or university, etc., to reinforce your case.

Check back with details on how to apply