Paul Shackel Headshot

Paul Shackel

Affiliated Faculty; Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology
1111-C Woods Hall


Dr. Paul Shackel joined the Department of Anthropology in 1996 after working for the National Park Service for 7-½ years. He received his PhD from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1987.

His extensive work at Harpers Ferry delves into issues of class and labor in this early industrial town. He received a 3-year NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates award that allowed him to partner with other institutions to train undergraduates in archaeology and explore issues of race, class and ethnicity on the Illinois western frontier.

For further biographical information, please visit Dr. Schackel's Anthropology Department website.

PhD in Anthropology
State University of New York at Buffalo
Master of Arts in Anthropology
State University of New York at Buffalo
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Sociology
State University of New York at Buffalo