Kristel Sheesley
Kristel Sheesley joined EFC in June 2016 to support the center’s work related to local and regional planning, economic development, smart growth, green infrastructure, stormwater management, and climate resilience. Prior to joining EFC, she was project director at the New England EFC in Maine, where she managed her center’s role in the federal Capacity Building for Sustainable Communities program. Through this program, her team provided technical assistance to communities around the country on water infrastructure issues, including green infrastructure, low impact development, stormwater finance, brownfields redevelopment, hazard mitigation, code audits, and integrated sustainability planning. Kristel has also worked as a grant writer for water quality, agriculture and food systems initiatives. She holds B.A.s in Political and Environmental Studies from Gordon College in Massachusetts and a Master of Community Planning and Development from the Muskie School of Public Service at University of Southern Maine.