Jennifer Egan
Dr. Egan is a program manager with the University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center. She has worked as professional geologist and principal scientist on multidisciplinary water resource projects and research. She provides technical and regulatory expertise, project planning and design with a focus on cost-effective and sustainable solutions for clients. Her experience includes working with stakeholders to provide holistic watershed management, planning, and research; hydrologic and hydraulic modeling; wetland delineation; stream and wetland design and mitigation; permitting and legal expertise; flood and stormwater project analysis and design, including climate resiliency and dam removal research publication.
Her doctorate is in Water Science and Policy from the University of Delaware Department of Applied Economics and Statistics in the College of Agricultural and Natural Resources. Her doctoral research involved legal and economic analysis of policy interventions for nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. She currently teaches Sustainable Development and Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics at the University of Delaware Department of Applied Economics and Statistics.
Current projects with the Environmental Finance Center include development of conservation finance and program analysis for meeting total maximum daily load (TMDL) and multiple separate storm sewer (MS4) requirements in Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania; national tool for life cycle cost of stormwater best management practices, urban forest resource asset accounting for return on investment, and climate and sustainability planning.